Where do river smallmouth go in fall? These baitfish migrate out of the sloughs and creek channels as the water cools. In early spring they will hold tight to the weed edges and any available shoreline cover. Later in fall they will hold tight to the main river channel at the base of the slough. […]
Can delimiter be more than one character? When using MS Excel’s Text to column feature, you can tell Excel what to use as a delimiter in order to split text into columns. How do I change the delimiter in Unix? Shell script to change the delimiter of a file: Using the shell substitution command, all […]
How do you stop water settling on a flat roof? Tapered insulation helps control ponding water Tapered polyisocyanurate (also known as tapered iso) is a type of flat roof insulation with built-in slope. Tapered insulation is used to strategically prevent ponding water because the slope helps the flowing water and debris navigate towards a roof […]
What should I write to my future daughter-in-law? How to Write a Letter to Your Future Daughter-in-Law Tell her how much you love her already. Share your confidence in her ability to make your son happy. Emphasize your confidence that God brought them together, that they are meant to be one. What do you say […]
Do they give you pain meds during C-section? Many women will receive a long-acting opioid pain medication through their epidural or spinal anesthesia (the medication put in your back to prevent pain during the cesarean section) that will help with pain the day of surgery. This typically lasts 18 hours. What do they prescribe for […]
Is a switch MDI or MDIX? The standard wiring for end stations is MDI, whereas the standard wiring for hubs and switches is MDIX. MDI ports connect to MDIX ports using straight-through twisted pair cabling. What is MDIX mode on a HP switch? mdix. The manual mode setting that configures the port for connecting to […]
Which is famous for heavy engineering industries? 6 Major Heavy Engineering Industries in India Industrial Machinery: ADVERTISEMENTS: Machine Tools: It is a core industry and provides mother machines to all sectors of the economy. Railway Equipment: India produces enough for its own needs. Automobile Industry: Ship-Building Industry: Aircraft Industry: What are heavy engineering industries? Heavy […]
Why are my hormone levels normal but no period? The most common cause is pregnancy. However, amenorrhea may also be caused by various lifestyle factors, including body weight and exercise levels. In some cases, hormonal imbalances or problems with the reproductive organs might be the cause. You should see your doctor if you’re experiencing amenorrhea. […]
How do you strengthen torticollis? Rotating Lay your baby on their back. Put your right hand on the baby’s right shoulder. Use your left hand to turn your baby’s head gently to the left. Stop when you feel tightness. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Do this stretch 3 more times during the day. How can I […]
Who won the 1998 Olympic figure skating? Tara Lipinski On February 20, 1998, 15-year-old Tara Lipinski wins the gold medal in women’s figure skating at the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan, and becomes the youngest gold medalist in her sport. Who won the European figure skating championships? The competition determined the entry quotas for […]
What is the best rifle for preppers? 223/5.56 is our go-to choice for a self-defense rifle caliber. While this is in part due to the relatively affordable cost of ammunition, it’s largely due to the benefits the AR-15 offers preppers. Do Special Forces use 22LR? 22LR suppressed High Standard pistols were again used by both […]
What websites sell name brand clothes for cheap? Where to Buy Cheap Name-Brand Clothes Online Best for simple shopping: T.J. Maxx. Best for variety: 6PM. Discount: 30% – 70% off. Best for boutique shopping: RueLaLa. Best for budget-friendly flash sales: Zulily. Best for luxury without the luxury price: United Apparel Liquidators. Best for used clothes: […]