Can Zoloft cause extreme fatigue?
Can Zoloft cause extreme fatigue?
Fatigue and Tiredness Fatigue and drowsiness are two of the most common side effects of sertraline (Zoloft), as well as several other SSRIs. If you’re using sertraline to treat depression, fatigue and tiredness from the medication can also be compounded by the effects of depression on your mood.
Can Zoloft help energy levels?
When taken correctly, Zoloft can make people feel less anxious or fearful, and it can reduce the urge to perform repeated tasks. It can improve sleep quality, appetite, energy levels, restore interest in daily life, and reduce unwanted thoughts and panic attacks.
How long does fatigue last with Zoloft?
It’s common to experience headaches, nausea, and fatigue during your first week on Zoloft. These side effects often get better over the first week or two.
How do I get rid of Zoloft fatigue?
Consider these strategies:
- Take a brief nap during the day.
- Get some physical activity, such as walking.
- Avoid driving or operating dangerous machinery until the fatigue passes.
- Take your antidepressant at bedtime if your doctor approves.
- Talk to your doctor to see if adjusting your dose will help.
What are the most common side effects of Zoloft?
Nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, increased sweating, diarrhea, upset stomach, or trouble sleeping may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
What are the long term side effects of sertraline?
To date, there are no known problems associated with long term use of sertraline. It is a safe and effective medication when used as directed.
Can sertraline help CFS?
Sertraline, when given to 79 CFS patients in an uncontrolled pilot study at a 50 mg daily dose, reduced symptoms of fatigue, myalgia, sleep disturbance, and depression. SSRIs may also be preferred for their ease of administration (most are long-acting, once-a-day) and lack of lethal potential.
What should you not take with Zoloft?
Some products that may interact with this drug are: pimozide, other drugs that can cause bleeding/bruising (including antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/naproxen, “blood thinners” such as warfarin/dabigatran).
What is the best thing to take for chronic fatigue?
There’s no specific medicine for treating ME/CFS, but medicine can be used to relieve some of the symptoms. Over-the-counter painkillers can help ease headaches, as well as muscle and joint pain. A GP can prescribe stronger painkillers, although they should only be used on a short-term basis.