Can your belly button get infected while pregnant?
Can your belly button get infected while pregnant?
As your baby bump grows and your skin becomes taut, the piercing might pull on your skin. This can lead to soreness, redness, and small tears around your navel. If you have tearing or injury to the belly button, there’s the risk of developing an infection, if bacteria gets into the wound.
Is it normal to have a sore belly button when pregnant?
By the third trimester, the uterus extends from the pubic area to the bottom of the ribs. The growth of the uterus, as well as the baby’s position in the womb, can exert pressure on the bellybutton. Over time, the increased pressure on the navel may cause pain, itchiness, and discomfort.
Does your belly button change color when pregnant?
Estrogen and progesterone stimulate the pigment-producing skin cells to make more melanin. But they don’t make it uniformly. You may notice skin darkening on your body in a number of places, including: around the navel, or belly button.
How do I clean my belly button during pregnancy?
How to clean your bellybutton
- Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and gently rub the surfaces inside your bellybutton.
- Once the cotton swab comes out clean, use a fresh one dipped in water to rinse the alcohol out of your bellybutton so it doesn’t dry your skin.
Why does my belly button hurt 20 weeks pregnant?
As the fetus grows, the muscles and skin of the belly become stretched, and this can cause pain in women with both inward or outward dipping belly buttons, known as innies or outies.
How do you treat an infected belly button?
To treat an infection Keep the skin of your belly button clean and dry. Use an antifungal powder or cream to clear up a yeast infection. For a bacterial infection, your doctor might recommend using an antibiotic ointment. Some infections may require oral antibiotic treatment, incision and drainage of the cyst, or both.
Can I hurt my baby by cleaning my belly button?
No. It’s totally normal and harmless. However, some women find that their new “outie” gets irritated by clothes rubbing against it. You may use a belly button cover or support product like a tummy sleeve to protect it.
What does a red belly button mean?
A belly button yeast infection is a fungal skin infection caused by a yeast called Candida. It causes a bright red, itchy rash in your navel area. Candida grow and thrive in warm, dark environments. Treatment includes creams, ointment or powders.