Can you visit the Desperate Housewives set?

Desperate Housewives On the Studio Tour, fans will be able to see the white picket fences and houses where stars like Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher lived, but you might be surprised to see that some houses on the street are just facades.

Is the Studio Tour at Universal scary?

The tour is pretty difficult to gauge with regard to intensity. While not traditionally intense like Universal’s other thrill rides (such as Jurassic Park or Revenge of the Mummy), the Studio Tour definitely not for the faint of heart. Expect very loud sounds and intense shaking, coupled with water and fire effects.

How long does the Universal Studio Tour take?

–60 minutes
Guests sit in multi-car trams for the duration of the ride. The tour lasts about 45–60 minutes and is led by a live tour guide who can be seen throughout the tram on video screens. It travels through the Front Lot, Backlot and various attractions, passing sets and props from movies along the way.

Is there a real Wisteria Lane?

Wisteria Lane is a fictional street, appearing in the American television series Desperate Housewives.

Can you still tour Wisteria Lane?

Universal Studios Hollywood Studio Tour The tour will take you through the plane crash scene from War of the Worlds, Desperate Housewives’ Wisteria Lane, the legendary Bates Motel of Psycho fame, and the set of Jaws. Studio tours are available daily during theme park hours.

What is the scariest ride at Universal Studios Hollywood?

6 Scariest Rides At Universal Studios Hollywood

  1. Revenge Of The Mummy: The Ride. The scariest ride at Universal Studios Hollywood has to be The Revenge of the Mummy.
  2. Harry Potter And The Forbidden Journey.
  3. Jurassic World: The Ride.
  4. The Simpsons Ride.
  5. Flight Of The Hippogriff.
  6. TRANSFORMERS: The Ride-3D.

Is the Jurassic Park ride scary?

The drop is fun, but not super scary.

How much is the Universal studio tour?

Ticket prices vary from $62 per person to literally thousands of dollars. However, 3 of the tours, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures, and Universal Studios are included for free or at a discount in several tourist attraction discount passes.