Can you view SolidWorks 3D drawings?
Can you view SolidWorks 3D drawings?
3D drawing view mode is particularly helpful when you want to select an obscured edge for the depth of a broken-out section view. 3D drawing view mode is not available for detail, broken, crop, empty, or detached views. (View toolbar) or View > Modify > 3D Drawing View. A pop-up toolbar appears with Rotate selected.
What programs can open SolidWorks files?
Solidworks File Extensions and Importing Files into SOLIDWORKS
- Drawing Exchange Format (.dxf)
- Drawing (.dwg)
- Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
- Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
- Parasolid (.x_t)
- STEP (.stp)
- ACIS (.sat)
- IGES (.igs, .iges)
Does SolidWorks have a viewer?
Thank you for choosing eDrawings! eDrawings is free software that lets you view and print eDrawings(eDRW, ePRT, eASM), native SolidWorks documents (sldprt, sldasm, slddrw) , DXF, and DWG format files.
Is eDrawings viewer free?
eDrawings Viewer is a free product. The advanced collaboration capabilities of eDrawings Professional are available at additional cost. To purchase eDrawings Professional please contact the SOLIDWORKS office nearest you, or call 800-693-9000 toll-free for more information.
Is there a free CAD viewer?
eDrawings Viewer is the simplest easiest solution for anyone who needs to view 3D model files for free. With its wide range of functionality and ability to open many file types, eDrawings Viewer enables professional, students, makers and casual users to interrogate 3D models.
Is eDrawing viewer free?
Can you open SolidWorks files in AutoCAD?
Import the Solidworks file directly into AutoCAD. On the command line in AutoCAD, type IMPORT. In the Import File dialog window, click the Files of type drop-down menu and select Solidworks (*. prt; *.
Is E drawing viewer free?
What apps can open Sldasm files?
SolidWorks is one of the most popular 3D CAD software in the market today. Glovius for iOS and Glovius for Android provide a simple and easy way to view, showcase, and collaborate on SolidWorks parts (sldprt files) and SolidWorks assemblies (sldasm files) on your iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.