Can you use moon clips with 357?

Revolvers using rimless cartridges cannot be fired without moon clips. The moon clip can also be used with traditional rimmed revolver cartridges such as . 38 Special, . 357 Magnum, .

Which Smith and Wesson revolvers use moon clips?


  • Charter Arms Pitbull.
  • S&W Model 940.
  • S&W Model 929.
  • S&W Model 986.
  • Ruger LCR.
  • Ruger SP101.
  • Ruger Speed-Six.
  • Taurus Model 905.

Are moon clips reusable?

Faster than a traditional speed loader and less bulky, plus all your empties stay together since the clip ejects with the fired brass. Full moon clips are reusable hundreds of times.

Can you put a clip in a revolver?

While revolver cylinders are not considered magazines, they can use clips in a slightly different way than rifles do. A half moon clip is usually seen chambered in automatic pistol cartridges such as 9mm or . 45 Auto.

Can a Smith and Wesson 686 use moon clips?

Moon clips make loading your 38/357mm, seven-shot Smith & Wesson Model 686 Plus revolver easy. Precisely engineered to perfectly fit your revolver. Tested and proven to work with nearly every kind of commercial or military brass.

What ammo does the governor use?

Smith & Wesson Governor
Cartridge .410 bore .45 ACP .45 Schofield .45 Colt
Barrels 2.75″/6.985 cm
Action Single or double action
Feed system 6-round cylinder

How accurate is the Smith and Wesson Governor?

45 Colt rounds were by far the most accurate through the S&W Governor, producing 3-4-inch 7-yard groups, reliable center of mass hits at 15-yards, and accurate enough to hit a full sized silhouette out to 50 yards. . 45 ACP groups were roughly double that size. Surprisingly some . 410 slugs were also pretty accurate.

Is a 9mm or 38 more powerful?

Standard pressure . 38 Special only produces 264 foot-pounds of force (147-grain bullet at 900 feet per second out of a 4-inch barrel), while standard pressure 9mm can produce 365 foot-pounds of force (124-grain bullet at 1,150 feet per second). This is 38.25% more energy at the muzzle in favor of the 9mm.

What pistol has the biggest clip?

The Kel-Tec PMR-30 blows every other gun out of the water in ammo capacity. The gun’s double-stack magazine holds thirty rounds of . 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR) ammunition.