Can you use a 40W bulb in a fridge?

It is important to replace the light bulb(s) in your refrigerator with the same size and type that was originally supplied with the refrigerator. Most GE Appliances refrigerators use 40 watt appliance bulbs. The 40 watt appliance bulbs are used in the fresh food as well as the freezer sections.

What kind of light bulb goes in a fridge?

Refrigerator: Usually takes a 25- to 40-watt standard base appliance bulb, but some refrigerators use a T8 intermediate base bulb.

Can I use any light bulb in a fridge?

You can use a regular light bulb in a refrigerator if it fits, but it is not smart to do so. There are bulbs specially made for refrigerators and these appliance bulbs handle lower temperatures better than standard bulbs and, they are often shatterproof too.

Is a fridge bulb different?

Ovens and Refrigerators – The typical light in your oven or fridge is the familiar incandescent A-shape. The difference is the slightly smaller, incandescent A15 bulb (instead of A19) is appliance rated.

Can I put LED lights in my refrigerator?

Using LED bulbs in fridges is possible and is very commonly done when replacing old, outdated incandescent bulbs. Be sure to get the correct base size, which will likely be E14, and ensure that the bulb’s shape fits well into the designated space.

Do refrigerator lights burn out?

If your refrigerator light is not coming on, it may be that the bulb has reached the end of its lifespan and has burned out. Check the bulb to see if it has a dark area in the bulb or has a broken and loose filament. When you shake the bulb, you may hear a rattling noise if the filament inside is damaged.

Can you use LED bulb in fridge?

Can you use any bulb for refrigerator?

In theory, any LED bulb should work. There are bulbs designed specifically for refrigerator/freezer use like this one.

Do refrigerator light bulbs get hot?

Incandescent bulbs are far less efficient than the new LED bulbs, but in a refrigerator they create an even bigger issue, the get really hot. Heat is the last thing you ever want inside your refrigerator. Newer refrigerators all come with LED bulbs, but there is no reason that you can’t upgrade your existing fridge.

How long should a refrigerator bulb last?

How long do fridge light bulbs last? The usage time is dependent on how often you (or your kids) open the refrigerator. The life expectancy of an A15 appliance light bulb is rated at around 1750 hours. This is 750 hours more than the average A19 light bulb.

Are fridge light bulbs different?

Are all refrigerator light bulbs the same?

You can also search the web for specifications on your appliance or even call the manufacturer for an answer. Ovens and Refrigerators – The typical light in your oven or fridge is the familiar incandescent A-shape. The difference is the slightly smaller, incandescent A15 bulb (instead of A19) is appliance rated.