Can you use 10W30 in cold weather?

The 10W30 engine oil is a versatile oil for most situations. Its operating temperature range is more common than the 10W-40 viscosity grade. It handles cold starts well and is effective at reducing engine wear and tear on most light vehicles.

What temperature is 10W oil tested at for its rating?

Winter or “W” Grades
SAE Viscosity Low Temp (°C) Viscosity cP
0W 3,250 @ -30 60,000 @ -40
5W 3,500 @ -25 60,000 @ -35
10W 3,500 @ -20 60,000 @ -30

Is 10W 30 good for summer?

As a general rule, you’ll get the best protection in the summer when you use a slightly thicker grade of oil, such as a 10W30 instead of a 5W30. Engines need a thicker oil in the summer months because of the summer heat and its effects on thinning the oil out.

Is 5W30 or 10W30 better for summer?

Answer: There is absolutely no need to switch to 10W-30 motor oil in the summer if 5W-30 is an acceptable grade for your engine. While some car manufacturers still advocate the use of 10W-30 (or even 10W-40) as an appropriate engine oil option for summer use, it is completely unnecessary.

When should I switch from 5w30 to 10w30?

Both 5w30 and 10w30 engine oils have a similar SAE rating, meaning that they will perform the same at high or operating temperatures. The digits 30 indicates the viscosity of the oils when in high temperatures. 10w30, however, will thicken more when in a cold climate. 5w30 is much suitable during the cold season.

When should I use 10w30 oil?

Suitable Vehicle Types. 5W-30 multi grade oil is ideal for private vehicles and light-duty petrol and diesel engines. It also provides a better cold temperature start than 10W-30 oil. On the other hand, the slightly thicker oil,10W-30, provides better lubrication for commercial vehicles and heavy-load engine cars.

How hot should engine oil get?

between 220-250 degrees Fahrenheit
Normally, you want your engine oil to be between 220-250 degrees Fahrenheit. Past 275 degrees it will start to break down. But the “At Oil Temp” light actually refers to your transmission oil—which should generally stay at or below 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 5W30 or 10W30 better for winter?

Low Temperature Viscosity Now, the lower the number before ‘W’ is, the less likely the motor oil will thicken at a low temperature. So when you compare 5W30 vs 10W30, 5W30 oil has a lower number (5), implying the oil thins fairly in an extremely low temperature, making it a better winter engine oil than 10W-30.

What oil viscosity is best for hot weather?

A 30 grade oil, thick enough to protect in the heat, was recommended for summer use. Then, multi-grade oils were formulated. A 10W-30 had the winter cold start flow properties of a 10W and the summer, high-temperature thickness of a 30 grade.

When should I use 10w30?

Lubrication. 5w30 provides better lubrication compared to 10w30. It is best suited for private vehicles and light-duty diesel and petrol engines, while 10w30 is more suitable for commercial vehicles and other cars with heavy load engines.