Can you still play Bless Online?

Bless Unleashed is a revamped version of Bless Online, which launched in 2018 and was cancelled in 2019. (The original never exceeded its launch-day player peak of 34,392.) Unleashed brought a revamped version of that game to consoles in 2020, but this is the first time it’s been available on PC.

Is Bless Online shut down?

Bless Online has officially shut down after a year and a half since its May 2018 launch.

Is Bless Unleashed finished?

Bless Unleashed Has Reached the End of its Life.

Is Bless Unleashed free-to-play?

Bless Unleashed is a free to play action adventure MMORPG set in the beautifully dangerous world of Lumios. Players must band together to take on massive monsters, and each other, as they search for the truth behind ominous visions and divine secrets.

Why did bless fail?

Bless Can’t Compete Despite all the developers’ efforts the game lost over 99% of its player base within 6 months. All these new games failed because they simply can’t compete with the giants that rule the MMORPG market.

Why did Bless Online shutdown?

The Steam version closed on September 9, 2019, with its struggling userbase size cited as a main reason by media outlets.

Why did bless Online shutdown?

Is Bless Unleashed pay to win?

Hi there, We would like to inform you that the Bless Unleashed PC will be free to play on the official Launch of the game. There is no p2w items in the cash shop, just quality of life items like bag space. There are no enhancement items or anything directly empowering the player.

Is Bless Unleashed open world?

Bless Unleashed is an open-world online game that can be enjoyed with your friends and countless others. Venture out to engage in intense combat while exploring vast regions and treacherous dungeons.

Is Bless Unleashed an MMO?

Bless Unleashed is a fantasy MMO developed by Round8 Studio. It’s set in the same world as Bless Online, uses the same assets, and has Neowiz as the publisher on PC—and that’s where the connection appears to end.

Is Bless Unleashed solo friendly?

Mage. Mage is a top-tier class in Bless Unleashed simply because it’s the most balanced and universal ranged class. It’s fantastic in both PvE and PvP regardless of whether you play solo or in a team.

How many people play Bless unleashed on console?

Bless Unleashed is currently averaging approximately 30,000 concurrent players per day, with the active concurrent players dropping day after day, from 35,000 earlier this week to just over 30,000 today.