Can you still get Jell-O Pudding Pops?

You cannot buy Jell-O pudding pops anywhere, there are none left to buy. Make Pudding Pops at Home with the Jello Pudding Pop Kit. During the 1980s, Jello pudding pops were featured freezer treats in millions of American homes.

Why did they stop making Jell-O Pudding Pops?

Although consumers loved them — people were buying $300 million of Pudding Pops a year in the mid-’80s — they were so expensive to make that they weren’t profitable, according to Culinary Lore. The pops were discontinued in the 1990s.

How do you make jello ice pops?


  1. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
  2. Stir in the package of jell-0 and the sugar.
  3. Stir in one cup of cold water.
  4. Pour into your Popsicle molds and freeze for at least 4 hours but overnight is preferred.
  5. When ready to eat run the popsicle mold under warm water to loosen them from the mold, remove and enjoy!

Why is there no Jell-O in the stores?

Jell-O products were removed today from grocery shelves in at least six states, including stores in Detroit, Chicago and Atlanta, after a second day of telephoned threats of tampering.

Can you freeze Jell-O pudding cups?

Freeze as directed. These refreshing fun snacks are oh-so-easy to make. Keep them on hand in the freezer. Plus, they make great portable snacks for those kids on the go!

Can you still buy pudding in a can?

Jell-O Instant Chocolate Pudding, 18 oz Can.

Does Jello freeze well?

Freezing Jello will also not prolong its shelf life, so your best bet is just to keep it stored in a covered container in the refrigerator. Due to the gelatin structure, Jello won’t freeze solid. The freezing process will also damage the binding particles of the gelatin, causing it to separate once thawed.

How long do I put Jello in the freezer?

You can place your Jello in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes to chill it faster so that it sets up more quickly. But don’t leave it too long or it will begin to freeze. If your Jello freezes it will likely be ruined.

How do you make popsicles like store bought?

Directions. Dissolve gelatin, soft drink mix and sugar in boiling water. Stir in cold water and pour into popsicle molds or small plastic drinking cups. Add popsicle sticks when firm but not frozen completely; freeze until hard.

Can you buy Jello already made?

Jell-O Original Strawberry Ready-to-Eat Jello Cups Gelatin Snack Value Pack, 8 ct Cups –