Can you still get Gjallarhorn in destiny?

It’s been years, but Gjallarhorn is making another triumphant return to appear in Destiny 2 as part of the Bungie 30th Anniversary DLC. You’ll need to purchase the DLC to get the storied Exotic weapon, and then brave its new centerpiece content, the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.

Is Gjallarhorn coming to Destiny 2?

Gjallarhorn, one of Destiny’s most overpowered Exotics, came to Destiny 2 alongside Bungie’s 30th Anniversary Pack, much to the joy of veteran players.

Did Gjallarhorn have tracking?

Gjallarhorn is an Exotic Rocket Launcher. It is also the only rocket launcher that has tracking missiles that each function separately from the warheads.

How do you get Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2 2021?

You will encounter three Reaver Vandal enemies who drop an engram when defeated – the engram grants you the ‘Burdened by Riches’ debuff. Find and open the nearby chest before the buff runs out, or you’ll perish. After opening the three chests and completing the dungeon, you’ll be granted the Gjallarhorn catalyst.

Do you need 30th Anniversary for Gjallarhorn?

Should you get the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack? While I have been enjoying the pack, there really isn’t any need to get the Destiny 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary pack. It’s fun to have the nostalgia trip with Gjallarhorn and the Forerunner, and the new dungeon is a lot of fun, but there isn’t a real need for it.

Is Gjallarhorn any good Destiny 2?

Well, the Gjallarhorn wasn’t just overpowered; it was absurd. While it was complete overkill for all but the game’s toughest enemies (and wasn’t as valuable in PvP modes), the Gjallarhorn was capable of melting raid bosses and other late-game foes in ways that you just kind of had to laugh at.

How do I claim Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2?

How to get Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2 in brief

  1. Complete the Dares of Eternity event (begins automatically after downloading the Bungie 30th Anniversary update)
  2. Talk to Xur in the Treasure Hoard and pick up the And Out Fly the Wolves quest.
  3. Talk to Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome.
  4. Complete the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.

Why was Gjallarhorn so good?

Its ability to shoot rockets that would then “splinter” into smaller, homing rockets made it one of the more unique items in its class during the early days of the game.

Is the Gjallarhorn good in Destiny 2?