Can you start bulbs off in pots?

You can grow virtually any bulb in containers, and you can mix different types of bulbs together, too. In fact, it’s a lot like growing bulbs in the ground. Start with a container with drainage holes so that excess water can escape, and plant your bulbs in the fall.

What bulbs should be pre chilled?

Tulips, hyacinths and crocuses require pre-cooling here. To pre-cool bulbs, put them in the fruit/vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for 8 to 14 weeks. Don’t store them with ripening fruit, though, which can give off ethylene gas, which damages the bulbs. Then plant the bulbs immediately in the garden or containers.

Should you pre soak bulbs before planting?

Should you soak spring bulbs before planting? There’s no need to soak them before planting. However, if you are late getting them into the ground, then soaking them for 12-24 hours can speed up the rooting process.

Can you leave bulbs in pots over winter?

If your winter is just too severe to risk leaving the bulbs out or you want to use bulbs in a container that can’t be stored in the cold, you have another option. Plant your bulbs in small 6-inch or 8-inch plastic pots and overwinter them under protection outdoors (in a cold frame, for instance) or in a cold garage.

Should you water bulbs in pots?

Although when you first plant up a container it may look skimpy the plants will soon grow and spread to fill out your pot. DON’T forget that plants in pots and containers need a considerable amount more watering than those in the garden. During really hot days water at least once a day.

What happens if you don’t chill bulbs?

Spring bloomers require the cold treatment, and forcing bulbs without chilling will result in soggy bulbs in a pot. Most spring bulbs will come pre-chilled, but if you have over-wintered them indoors, it is easy to mimic the cold period.

Should you put bulbs in the freezer?

The most important point is that you need to chill, not freeze! Don’t put bulbs in the freezer as this is too cold and will kill them. The average fridge is at approximately 4°C and this is an ideal temperature. Place the bulbs in a breathable container such as a paper bag and start chilling before the end of March.

Do you water potted bulbs?

Soil should be moist but never soggy. When the bulbs are just starting to grow, you’ll need to water infrequently, but later when roots fill the pot and top growth emerges, the soil will dry out much more quickly, so pay attention.