Can you sort data in a PivotTable?

Sort row or column label data in a PivotTable In the PivotTable, click any field in the column that contains the items that you want to sort. On the Data tab, click Sort, and then click the sort order that you want.

Why can’t I sort values in PivotTable?

Refresh the pivot table. If the field which has items from a custom list is set for Automatic sort, it should change to the custom list’s sort order. If the field is currently set for manual sorting, it won’t sort according to the custom list order.

How do you sort data in a PivotTable by value?

To sort a pivot table by value, just select a value in the column and sort as you would any Excel Table. We can do the same thing with Orders. Let’s sort orders in descending order. As always, we can hover over the sort icon to see the currently applied sort options.

How do I sort rows in a PivotTable?

Do any of the following:

  1. In the PivotTable, right-click the row or column label or the item in a label, point to Move, and then use one of the commands on the Move menu to move the item to another location.
  2. Select the row or column label item that you want to move, and then point to the bottom border of the cell.

How do I sort multiple columns in a pivot table?

To do this:

  1. On the power pivot window click PivotTable. Check New worksheet and click OK.
  2. Go back to the power pivot window. Select cells 1:11 having the item names and go to Home > Sort by Column.
  3. Set “Items” as the sort column and “Rank” as the By column.
  4. Click Ok.

How do I filter values in a pivot table?

In the PivotTable, select one or more items in the field that you want to filter by selection. Right-click an item in the selection, and then click Filter.

How do I manually drag and sort a pivot table?

Sorting Data Manually

  1. Click the arrow. in Row Labels.
  2. Select Region in the Select Field box from the dropdown list.
  3. Click More Sort Options. The Sort (Region) dialog box appears.
  4. Select Manual (you can drag items to rearrange them).
  5. Click OK.

How do I sort data in a pivot table with multiple columns?