Can you put two conditions in a while loop?

Using multiple conditions As seen on line 4 the while loop has two conditions, one using the AND operator and the other using the OR operator. Note: The AND condition must be fulfilled for the loop to run. However, if either of the conditions on the OR side of the operator returns true , the loop will run.

How do I use multiple IF statements in PowerShell?

You can add multiple ElseIf statements when you multiple conditions. PowerShell will evaluate each of these conditions sequentially. The else statement does not accept any condition. The statement list in this statement contains the code to run if all the prior conditions tested are false.

How do you write a for loop with two conditions?

Note: both are separated by comma (,). 2. It has two test conditions joined together using AND (&&) logical operator. Note: You cannot use multiple test conditions separated by comma, you must use logical operator such as && or || to join conditions.

How do you write multiple if else statements in shell script?

To use multiple conditions in one if-else block, then elif keyword is used in shell. If expression1 is true then it executes statement 1 and 2, and this process continues. If none of the condition is true then it processes else part.

How do I compare two strings in PowerShell?

Compare the Contents of Two String Objects in PowerShell

  1. Use the -eq Operator to Compare the Contents of Two String Objects in PowerShell.
  2. Using the -like Operator to Compare the Contents of Two String Objects in PowerShell.
  3. Using the .Equals() Method to Compare the Contents of Two String Objects in PowerShell.

Can we initialize two variables in for loop?

In Java, multiple variables can be initialized in the initialization block of for loop regardless of whether you use it in the loop or not.

Do-While statements PowerShell?

When we need to run a loop at least once, then we use the Do-while loop in a PowerShell. The Do-While loop is a looping structure in which a condition is evaluated after executing the statements. This loop is also known as the exit-controlled loop.