Can you play GTA 5 at 12?

The content you can do in GTA V may not be appropriate for younger viewers. GTA V is rated Mature by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board), meaning it can be played by those 17 years old or older.

How long does 12 hours take in GTA 5?

A full day in GTA 5 takes 48 minutes real time. One hour takes 2 minutes. Game time stops when pausing, will automatically advance when starting some missions and using a bed to save will advance game time by 6 hours (Michael), 8 hours (Franklin) or 12 hours (Trevor).

How many hours is GTA 5 main story?

According to HowLongtoBeat, the main story alone takes the average player around 32 hours. Those who rush through the game can beat it in around 21 hours, while those playing at a leisurely pace will spend about 48 hours on it.

How many storyline missions are in GTA 5?

69 Main Missions
There are 69 Main Missions in GTA 5. Click on the links of the Walkthrough below to get started.

Is GTA ok for a 11 year old?

Gta games are not intended for kids. I did play this as a kid, but would not recommend it to people under 16 years of age. Language should not be your primary concern in a game where you play as a violent criminal – Written by a young adult man who actively plays games.

How long is a GTA day in real-life?

One of the major differences in the HD Universe is that time now moves at a rate of one in-game minute for every two real-life seconds. Therefore, one in-game hour is now two real-life minutes and one in-game day is now 48 real-life minutes.

How many GTA days are in a real day?

According to most sources, a day in GTA 5 takes 48 real-life minutes, and saving the game will advance the game clock differently for different characters. When Michael goes to bed in order to save the game, it advances the game clock by 6 hours; 8 hours for Franklin, and Trevor sleeping the longest for 12 hours.

What percentage of GTA 5 is main story?

Story mode is 50% of the game.