Can you make Carth a Jedi?
Can you make Carth a Jedi?
This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s).
What happens to Carth after Kotor?
He was only mentioned in passing in the Revan book. He didn’t really have any more story beyond the that revealed in KOTOR II if you played as the canon genders. After kotor he basically took over as commander of the Republic navy.
How do you trigger Carth romance?
When you’re forced to choose between the light and dark side on the temple summit, choosing the light side will enable you to complete the romance with Carth and share a kiss with him before the final assault on the Star Forge.
Is Carth Onasi force sensitive?
With Dustil Onasi becoming a Sith student at the Sith Academy on Korriban, the bloodline may have been Force-sensitive from either Carth (implied as likely with Carth’s unusually-precise intuition and piloting talents), Morgana, or both.
Is Carth Onasi in swtor?
Carth Onasi was a famed Republic soldier and pilot during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War….Carth Onasi.
Character | |
Class | Soldier |
Location | Last seen on Telos IV |
Faction | Galactic Republic |
Allegiance |
What happened to Jolee Bindo after Kotor?
Bindo remained with Revan until the end, and along with Revan’s other companions, was honored at the Republic’s celebration of their victory over Darth Malak. Bindo dropped out of the public eye by the end of the Dark Wars, serving the High Council in an absentee role for several years before disappearing completely.
Can you romance Bastila in Kotor?
Bastila Can Be Romanced by Any Male Character She was instrumental in the defeat of Darth Revan, and the attack on her cruiser above Taris sets the events of KOTOR into motion. Bastila is a hard-line Jedi and sticks close to the order’s teachings.
What is the best jedi class in KotOR?
The Scout is the most versatile of the three classes and is the best choice for players planning ahead for their iconic Star Wars Jedi class.