Can you keep different types of geckos together?

Different species of geckos should not be housed together, even in mixed-sex pairs. Use a separate tank or enclosure for each species of gecko that you plan to keep. For example, keep only leopard geckos with other leopard geckos, and crested geckos only with other crested geckos.

Can geckos live with other geckos?

They generally won’t cause problems with each other. Even so, make sure each of your geckos has enough room and enough hiding places. You’ll still want to keep their relative size in consideration. If one is significantly larger than the other, the bigger one may dominate the tanks as well as the food supply.

Can different day geckos live together?

Giant day geckos are fine housed alone. As juveniles, they can be housed in groups, but this may result in the occasional geckos losing its tail, which will grow back. Adults can be housed in groups given enough space, but no more than one male should be housed per enclosure.

Can you put crested gecko and leopard gecko together?

Crested geckos can’t be housed together with leopard geckos. They come from very different regions. The temperature and humidity needs of the terrarium will be different. Most importantly, creating a balance between the needs may hurt both gecko species.

How many geckos can live together?

Two females In general, it’s perfectly fine for two female leopard geckos to live in the same tank. They don’t tend to mind each other’s company and living together shouldn’t cause any problems.

Can you have 2 geckos together?

The only time it’s permissible to have two geckos, a male, and a female leopard gecko, housed together in the same unit is when you want baby geckos. Breeding geckos doesn’t seem to be too hard, and you can probably do it yourself.

Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?

No, this is not recommended in almost all circumstances (unless its a massive environment, and even that is risky) I highly advise against housing different species together. This was never my intent I purchased the geckos together and I was not impressed with them being together in the first place.

Can you house a crested gecko with a giant day gecko?

Have you considered using the bigger tank to day geckos and putting your crested in something smaller? And care sheets notwithstanding, it’s really not feasible to house animals with different care requirements together. I would say no. Day geckos are notoriously territorial and I think you’d be asking for disaster.

Can multiple leopard geckos live together?

In general, it’s perfectly fine for two female leopard geckos to live in the same tank. They don’t tend to mind each other’s company and living together shouldn’t cause any problems.

Do geckos eat each other?

But are they cannibals, too? Leopard Geckos do exhibit cannibalistic behavior. They are known to sometimes eat smaller members of their species or even their own young ones. This usually happens if there is a lack of food or space.

Do geckos get lonely?

Since geckos are naturally solitary and territorial creatures, they do not get lonely if placed alone in a cage or left for some time away from their keeper. They much prefer having their food and heat to themselves rather than sharing it with another gecko.