Can you keep an axolotl in a tropical fish tank?
Can you keep an axolotl in a tropical fish tank?
Axolotls prefer cool water. That’s why you can’t add any tropical fish to their tanks. The water is simply too cold. You may need an aquarium chiller to keep the water cool in water climates.
What temp should an axolotl tank be?
Temperatures up to the low 70s Fahrenheit are tolerated well by axolotls. An ideal temperature range is the low to mid 60s. Temperatures above 74 degrees will invariably lead to heat stress, loss of appetite and death.
Are axolotls cold water or tropical?
As Axolotls are a cold-water species their preferred temperature range is between 14˚C and 18˚C. Axolotls should be handled carefully due to their soft skin, and care should be taken when netting them so they do not become entangled.
Is 20 degrees too hot for axolotl?
Seeing as axies grow to around 10-12 inches that tank would not give the poor thing any room to even turn around. And axies should be kept under 20C, 22-25 is way too warm.
Can neon tetras live with axolotls?
Tetras are warm, soft water fishes. Axolotls are cold hard water predators. Either way you end up with dead tetras and well fed axolotls.
Are axolotls tropical fish?
If you have never kept aquatic pets before, it is highly recommended that you do NOT start with Axolotls. A basic, tropical freshwater fish tank is a great starting point for any aquatic hobbyist. Once you have mastered the care and maintenance of a basic freshwater setup, you may progress towards Axolotls.
What temp is too low for axolotl?
Axolotls thrive in cool water temperatures. The ideal temperature range for an axolotl tank is 59 – 65 degrees Fahrenheit (or 15°C – 18°C).
Is 60 degrees too cold for axolotl?
For most situations in the home aquarium, the recommended temperature range to keep axolotls is between 55-68F, with around 64F being the sweet spot. At temperatures above 75F, axolotls can start exhibiting clinical signs of stress.
Can axolotls live with guppies?
Guppies are small bottom feeders that could share a tank with the axolotl. They are generally small and does not have a hard exoskeleton thus they can be swallowed without any problems. Keeping some of them in your tank will help you finish up whatever leftover food your axolotls leave behind.
Is 22 degrees OK for an axolotl?
It would die. It would become stressed, develop various diseases (fungus, anorexia, whatnot), and eventually die.