Can you join Thalmor in Skyrim?

No, it’s not possible. The bigger thing I’d worry about is that the Thalmor have a habit of winding up on everyone’s bad side. The Thalmor have an embassy and a keep up north, a few agents scattered about (some giving minor quests), and some in the countryside that will attack you if messed with or even on sight.

Can you break into the Thalmor Embassy?

For other uses, see Thalmor Embassy. Thalmor Embassy serves as a base of operations for the Third Aldmeri Dominion in Skyrim. Before and after, but not during “Diplomatic Immunity,” the main building is impossible to enter legitimately, with no enemies carrying the corresponding key.

What race is the Thalmor in Skyrim?


Thalmor (lore page)
Race High Elf Gender
Level Leveled (4-36) Class
RefID N/A BaseID
Other Information

Can you be Thane of all holds?

Yes you can be Thane in all Nine Holds in Skyrim simultaneously. You can also join all guilds at the same time.

Is there a stone of Barenziah in the Thalmor Embassy?

Thalmor Embassy: Pre Patch 1.5: In Elenwen’s Solar in the Thalmor Embassy, in one of the bedrooms. You have to find this during or after the main quest: Diplomatic Immunity. You can also find this by going back to Thalmor Embassy by fast travel.

Do Dark Elves hate the Thalmor?

What do the Dark Elves think of the Thalmor Morrowind didn’t help the Empire in the great war but I remember someone in Skyrim mention that the Dark Elves don’t care for the Thalmor.

Why the Thalmor are evil?

The Thalmor are known to be extremely arrogant and constantly insult the Dragonborn when encountered and tell them to mind their own business. They will attack if pushed, especially when enquired about Talos worship and stating that people are free to worship what they want as a response.