Can you hunt in the Ruby Mountains?

The Ruby Mountains, AREA 10 has long had a reputation of being a tough area to hunt, and full of people. It can be a rugged hunt, but what most people don’t realize is the actual size of the Area. Stretching across to the Ruby Marshes, north of Currie, and on to the Utah Border.

Are there elk in the Ruby Mountains in Nevada?

More than 2,700 tags were issued to hunters who will be able to pursue deer in area 10, which includes the backbone of Nevada’s largest mule deer herd—the unparalleled Ruby Mountains. Additionally, 150 elk tags were given out for a depredation hunt in the Rubies under the statewide elk management plan.

Does Nevada have over the counter deer tags?

Tags for all game species, except mountain lion, are awarded through a random, computerized tag draw process held in late May. Mountain lion tags are available over the counter at Nevada license agents, online at, and at Department offices statewide.

Is deer hunting good in Nevada?

Nevada has some great genetics, and on good moisture years, it can really produce some great bucks. Southeastern Nevada is the more popular area when it comes to trophy class bucks. These units typically have lower tag numbers, great genetics, and thick enough cover for bucks to grow old.

Can you hunt in Lamoille Canyon?

HUNTING: This is a very popular hunt in Area 10. Check the hunting section for animal types and regulations. SUMMER RECREATION: Favorite sports in the canyon are hiking, horseback riding, bicycling, nature observation.

How did the Ruby Mountains get their name?

The Ruby Mountain range was named for gems that were found during the gold rush days. As it turned out, they were garnets, but the name Ruby stuck. No gold was ever found in the Ruby Mountains, but there is treasure, in the form of more than two dozen Alpine lakes and forests brimming with wildlife.

Are dogs allowed in the Ruby Mountains?

No permits are required to access day or through hiking along the Ruby Crest National Recreation Trail, and dogs are welcome in and around the area but must be on-leash. Before casting a line into any bodies of water, be sure to get yourself legal with a proper fishing permit.

How high are the Ruby Mountains?

11,387′Ruby Mountains / Elevation

How much is a non resident mule deer tag in Nevada?

An applicant is only allowed to draw one tag per species….Nonresident Tag Costs.

Mule Deer Tag $240.00
Restricted Nonresident Guided Deer Tag $300.00
Landowner Damage Compensation Tag-Mule Deer & Antelope $50.00
Bighorn Sheep Tag $1,200.00
Antelope Tag $300.00

Where is the best hunting in Nevada?

The Silver State’s geography ranges from alpine conifers in the north to Mojave desert lowlands in the south, and makes for a variety of hunting conditions and habitats. However, not all Nevada hunting units are created equal….

MUZZLELOADER Hunt Unit Dream Hunt Score
51 251 – 253 31 34 202, 205, 206 77 75 68 66.7 61.5

Do you have to wear orange while hunting in Nevada?

Hunter Orange Requirement Though hunter or blaze orange is not required to hunt in Nevada, the NDOW strongly recommends that all hunters wear hunter orange clothing visible from all sides when hunting.

Is Lamoille Canyon still closed?

Sand and rocks cover part of the road near Thomas Canyon in the Ruby Mountains on July 30, 2021.