Can you have blue jay as a pet?

It is not possible to have pet blue jays. They are wild birds that are protected under the Migratory Bird Act or similar in many countries. Owning one of them illegal and can be described as cruelty as it is very unlikely that you can meet their needs.

Can you have a pet blue jay in Canada?

‘He usually comes and sits on my shoulder’ Jerry Relouw’s neighbour found the bird injured about a month ago and helped mend its wing. Although you can’t keep blue jays as pets, Relouw said the neighbour made a nest in their chicken coop so the bird could come and go as it pleased.

Can blue jays be taught to talk?

Like other corvids, they may learn to mimic human speech. Blue jays can also copy the cries of local hawks so well that it is sometimes difficult to tell which it is.

How long do blue jays live in captivity?

The oldest blue jay studied by researchers in the wild lived to be 17 years and 6 months old, most blue jays live to about 7 years old. One captive female lived for 26 years and 3 months.

How do you raise a baby blue jay?

Very young blue jays require assistance when abandoned by their parents. You may need to assist a baby blue jay by feeding him until he is old enough to feed himself. Check with your local farm supply store for commercial blue jay food. Some pet stores also carry prepared blue jay food.

Can you train a blue jay?

Blue Jays are intelligent and beautiful. With a little patience and some peanuts, you can train them to eat from your hand.

Can blue jays live in captivity?

The oldest blue jay ever was a female in captivity who lived to be 26 years and 3 months old. The lifespan of a blue jay in captivity is much higher than in the wild, though, with many blue jays reaching 10-15 years of age and older.

Are blue jays smart?

Blue Jays, part of the corvid family, are known to be very intelligent – just like their cousins the crow and raven. TrentGarverick / iStock / Getty Images Plus. Blue Jays are one of the smartest birds you’ll see visiting your feeder.

Are jay birds intelligent?

Jays are considered to be incredibly intelligent birds; so much so, they have been compared to primates.

What can I feed a baby blue jay?

Baby Blue jays eat whatever their parents bring them, including insects, berries, seeds and grains. While Blue jays also eat meat in the form of small animals and other birds, the young are unlikely to be able to digest it. Soft foods are preferable.

What do you feed blue jays?

Blue jays prefer to eat their food from tray and hopper feeders, or another flat raised surface. Their robust bill can make quick work of peanuts, acorns, sunflower seeds and even suet.

Can you save a baby blue jay?

Very young blue jays require assistance when abandoned by their parents. You may need to assist a baby blue jay by feeding him until he is old enough to feed himself. Check with your local farm supply store for commercial blue jay food.