Can you give pens to charity?

Donate Pens We welcome donations of pens, pencils and most other forms of stationery, old and new, as long as they’re in working order.

Where do you send pens?

The easiest way to recycle pens is to send them to TerraCycle’s Writing Instrument Brigade. The program is sponsored by pen manufacturers Sharpie and Paper Mate, so you can return all their products through the program.

Where can I donate used school supplies near me?

Organizations like Arc’s Value Village, Companies to Classrooms, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers, Sharing and Caring Hands, and St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores accept many common school supplies. Search the directory for locations that accept donations of office, storage and school supplies near you.

Where can I donate unused stationery UK?

Bic & Terracycle Bic have teamed up with Terracycle to launch The Writing Instruments Recycling Programme, ensuring all these unwanted pens don’t just end up in the bin. There are currently 445 collection points across the UK where you can drop off your used pens to be recycled, helping to protect the environment.

Who takes pens and pencils?

TerraCycle is your one-stop shop for recycling! Gather your highlighters and put them in the same Zero Waste Box as your pens, pencils, and markers. You can then mail them to TerraCycle and keep them out of landfills.

What can you do with surplus pens?

In a bid to help combat this waste, TerraCycle has teamed up with stationery company BIC to launch the Writing Instruments Recycling Program. You can recycle any brand of the accepted writing instruments to keep them out of landfill. You can recycle any brand of: Pen.

Where is the best place to donate school supplies?

Where to Donate School Supplies

  • Grocery Stores. Many local grocery stores and nationwide chains hold school supply drives every year.
  • Schools. You can purchase supplies and deliver them directly to schools.
  • Libraries.
  • Churches.
  • Online School Supply Retailers.
  • Office Supply Stores.
  • Adopt a Classroom.
  • Donors Choose.

How can school supplies be reused?

Empty backpacks, pencil cases, binders, folders. Clean everything (a swipe of rubbing alcohol can remove marker and make things look like new). Organize pens, pencils, markers, scissors, calculators, etc. Take out the used pages of notebooks and evaluate if the notebook can be reused in school or at home.

What can I do with unwanted pens and pencils?

Donate to a Worthwhile Cause They prevent the supplies from going to landfills and instead put them into the hands of kids who need them. Send in your pens as well as other school supplies like markers, rulers, calculators, binders, and pocket folders.

What do you do with excess stationery?

Donate excess stationery to the next reuse event. Dispose of paper/cardboard, recycling and landfill correctly. Request a Service (waste) and ask for 660L bins if you have polystyrene or large objects. Box up collections of e-waste for correct disposal and Request a Service (caretakers) for collection.

What do you do with too many pens and pencils?

Let’s begin!

  1. Collect pens, pencils, and markers. Go ahead and round-up all the writing implements you can find in your home or office.
  2. Purge items. Before you begin, make sure you have a largish piece of scrap paper and a garbage bin handy.
  3. Replace items back where they belong.

Can you recycle pens and pencils?

Unfortunately, pens are not easy to recycle. In order for your pens to be accepted, you have to first separate them into their different parts. Contact your local recycler to see if they’ll take your old pens before you take the time to sort them into different pieces.