Can you get psoriasis in skin folds?
Can you get psoriasis in skin folds?
Inverse psoriasis, sometimes called hidden psoriasis or intertriginous psoriasis, is a form of psoriasis that affects skin folds. These are areas of your body where skin rubs against skin. Inverse psoriasis can occur under your arms, under a woman’s breasts, or in the groin or inner thigh area.
How do you treat psoriasis on your butt?
Treatments & Remedies for Inverse Psoriasis
- Corticosteroids.
- It’s also not a good idea to cover these areas with plastic bandages since they trap moisture.
- Dovonex.
- Pimecrolimus ( Elidel ) cream and tacrolimus ( Protopic ) ointment.
- Castellani’s paint (Castederm).
- Other topical medications.
- Phototherapy.
What does psoriasis in the groin look like?
In general, psoriasis looks like patches of red skin with thick white scales when it’s on light to fair skin tones. When it develops in the genital area, the patches may be a brighter red, but you usually will not see the classic scales of psoriasis.
How can you tell the difference between inverse and intertrigo psoriasis?
Inverse psoriasis generally responds well to topical medicines. If you’ve had a rash before that didn’t get better with antifungal treatment, your doctor may suspect inverse psoriasis. If your rash is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, you’re more likely to have intertrigo.
Should you moisturize psoriasis?
Do moisturize. Dry skin is more susceptible to outbreaks of psoriasis, so keep your skin well lubricated. After bathing or showering, seal in moisture by applying a generous amount of moisturizing cream or ointment to your skin.
Is Vaseline good for inverse psoriasis?
Use over-the-counter products that your doctor suggests. These may include Cetaphil, Lubriderm, or Eucerin. Petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) and vegetable shortening (such as Crisco) also work. If you have psoriasis on your scalp, use a shampoo with salicylic acid, such as Sebcur.
What is perianal psoriasis?
Psoriasis of the external genitalia and perianal area often presents as well-demarcated, bright red, thin plaques. These usually lack scale, as friction between the skin surfaces rubs it off. Scales may be seen on the outer parts of the genital skin. Scales can be easily scraped off, leaving pinpoint bleeding.
Does vitamin D cream help psoriasis?
Topical oils and ointments for psoriasis containing vitamin D can also help treat flares. Vitamin D can slow the growth of new cells, so vitamin D oil applied directly to the flare can help thin the plaque.
What does intertrigo smell like?
Symptoms of intertrigo include itching and burning in the intertriginous zones. Occasionally, long-standing intertrigo may produce a musty smell. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and sometimes scaly.
Should I cover my psoriasis at night?
Tip 1: Keep Your Skin Moist Sweat mixed with thick creams can make your psoriasis worse. Right after your bath or shower, pat yourself dry — don’t rub — with a towel. Then put the creams on to seal in water. Before you go to bed, wrap your skin with a bandage or plastic wrap.