Can you get misdiagnosed with herpes?

Turns out herpes is misdiagnosed 20% of the time, with professionals mistaking everything from fungal and yeast infections to other skin conditions for the STD. The tests themselves are also inaccurate; failing to detect up to 25% of “true positive” cases.

What are the warning signs of a herpes outbreak?


  • Pain or itching. You may experience pain and tenderness in your genital area until the infection clears.
  • Small red bumps or tiny white blisters. These may appear a few days to a few weeks after infection.
  • Ulcers. These may form when blisters rupture and ooze or bleed.
  • Scabs.

What is the number one symptom of herpes?

The most common symptoms of genital herpes is a group of itchy or painful blisters on your vagina, vulva, cervix, anus, penis, scrotum (balls), butt, or the inside of your thighs. The blisters break and turn into sores. You might have these other symptoms too: burning when you pee if your urine touches the herpes sores.

What can cause a false positive herpes test?

A person who only has HSV-1 may receive a false positive for HSV-2. IgM tests sometimes cross-react with other viruses in the same family, such as varicella zoster virus (VZV) which causes chickenpox or cytomegalovirus (CMV) which causes mono, meaning that positive results may be misleading.

How often are herpes tests wrong?

The widely available tests for herpes are famously inaccurate and can give false positives up to 50%. In some cases they can fail to detect the virus at all.

What causes herpes flare ups?

Triggers for recurrence — Illness, stress, sunlight, and fatigue can trigger recurrent herpes outbreaks. In women, menstrual periods may trigger an outbreak. When did I become infected? — The first time a person has noticeable signs or symptoms of herpes may not be the initial episode.

Can shaving cause herpes outbreak?

Razor burn, an uncomfortable skin irritation that can happen after you shave, may also cause small bumps and blisters in the genital area. As hair grows, it can usually push through the skin. Sometimes, the hair is blocked or grows in an unusual direction.

Can you test negative for herpes after testing positive?

Normal Results. A negative (normal) test most often means you have not been infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2. If the infection occurred very recently (within a few weeks to 3 months), the test may be negative, but you may still be infected.

How common is herpes false positive?

HSV-2 isn’t included in the standard panel of tests for sexually transmitted infections. The widely available tests for herpes are famously inaccurate and can give false positives up to 50%. In some cases they can fail to detect the virus at all.

Can one partner test positive for herpes and the other negative?

It is also possible that your partner does have herpes and had a false negative test. Herpes blood tests can be negative even though someone is actually infected.