Can you get lichen planus on your hands?
Can you get lichen planus on your hands?
Main observation. The current case describes palmoplantar lichen planus, a rare variant of this disease that can easily be misdiagnosed. This case describes a patient that presented with multiple papules on his hands and plantar feet that had previously been diagnosed as tinea manum and psoriasis.
What does lichen planus look like in the mouth?
Mouth: Lichen planus inside your mouth looks like lacy patches of tiny white dots. These patches may occur on the inside of your cheeks or on your tongue. They may not cause any other symptoms; in severe cases, redness and sores develop.
What does lichen planus of the skin look like?
Lichen planus of the skin appears as small, flat-topped, red-to-purple bumps with round or irregular shape. You may have just a few small bumps or you may have many. If you take a closer look, you might see white scales or flakes on them. Some may have wispy, gray-to-white streaks called Wickham’s Striae.
What does early lichen planus look like?
On the skin, lichen planus usually appears as purplish, itchy, flat bumps that develop over several weeks. In the mouth, vagina and other areas covered by a mucous membrane, lichen planus forms lacy white patches, sometimes with painful sores.
Can oral lichen planus spread to other parts of the body?
If you have oral lichen planus, you may have lichen planus lesions affecting other parts of your body. Skin. Lesions usually appear as purplish, flat-topped bumps that are often itchy. Genitals.
Can lichen planus spread to other parts of the body?
Lichen planus is a condition that causes skin inflammation. The resulting rash can affect the skin on your arms, legs, scalp, nails, genital area and the inside of your mouth. For most people, it resolves without treatment.
What do autoimmune mouth sores look like?
Oral lichen planus may appear as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues; or open sores. These lesions may cause burning, pain or other discomfort.
What can be mistaken for lichen planus?
However, lichen planus can be mistaken for other skin conditions, such as eczema, which also causes the skin to become red, flaky and itchy. If your doctor is unable to make a confident diagnosis by examining your skin, they may want to take a small skin sample (biopsy), which will be examined under a microscope.
What causes oral lichen planus to flare up?
It’s possible that, in some people, oral lichen planus may be triggered by certain medications, mouth injury, infection or allergy-causing agents such as dental materials. Stress may be involved in symptoms becoming worse or recurring.