Can you get grunt in ME3?

Grunt appears in the Attican Traverse: Krogan Team Side Mission if he survived Mass Effect 2 and you imported a save.

Do you get a Krogan in ME3?

On the Normandy, Mordin will ask you to help him rescue an old student of his from the Krogan homeworld of Tuchanka. According to an IGN guide, completing this mission in a certain way will help you both save Mordin and potentially get the Krogan and Salarians for ME3.

What happened to Grunt in Mass Effect 3?

Realising the Reaper-modified rachni are closing in on them, Grunt personally holds several Ravagers and Swarmers off to cover the Commander’s escape. If Shepard chose to spare either queen, Grunt dies if his loyalty wasn’t secured prior to the suicide mission.

Should you save the Rachni Queen in me3?

If she is saved, rachni workers are sent to the Crucible project, where they are prized assets for their engineering capabilities, industrious nature, and good teamwork. If Shepard did not spare the Rachni queen on Noveria, the Reapers will artificially construct a Queen thrall in order to control a rachni army.

Can you get both Salarian and Krogan support?

In order to get the support of both you need to not reveal the sabotage plan to Wreav and Eve, and when you meet Mordin at the Shroud, either convince him that curing the genophage is a bad idea (causing him to walk away and not die – this is the only way to ensure he survives) or shoot him, preventing him from …

Can you save Mordin and cure Genophage?

During Mass Effect 3’s main story mission “Priority: Tuchanka,” Mordin will need to stay behind in the exploding Shroud tower in order to successfully disperse a cure for the Genophage. Under the majority of playthrough scenarios, there is no way for Mordin to survive the blast and he will die as a result.

What happens if grunt dies?

Grunt dies If you never awaken Grunt on the Normandy, or he dies during the Suicide Mission, he won’t be present in Mass Effect 3, and his role in the story will be taken over by Urdnot Dagg.

Should you save the Rachni Queen in ME3?

What happens if you dont open grunt?

RELATED: Mass Effect 2: What Happens if You ‘Cheat’ On Liara, Kaidan, or Ashley? To put things simply, never opening Grunt’s tank is very much like leaving him to die at the end of Mass Effect 2, and the results are primarily seen during a side mission in Mass Effect 3.