Can you get gear from LFR and normal?

PROTIP: If you loot a LFR boss, you cannot loot that same boss in Normal. New for SL!

How do you get geared for LFR?

The best method is to find friends, guildmates, or strangers that are just running the dungeons for fun. Preferably if they are the same gear type — cloth, leather, mail, or plate. Gear tends to drop about one piece per person per dungeon.

How do I get the old LFR Transmog?

For Legion LFR, go to Dalaran and speak to Archmage Timear. While there aren’t any weapons to speak of since Legion was the Artifact expansion, the Tomb of Sargeras LFR sets are excellent for transmog, and you can always run Antorus LFR for special weapon transmogs like Taeshalach or the Scythe of the Unmaker.

Where do I queue for LFR Pandaria?

To solo queue for the Mists of Pandaria raids Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, Throne of Thunder, and Siege of Orgrimmar, talk to Lorewalker Han at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Does doing LFR lock you out of normal?

LFR =/= Normal difficulty. If you ran a normal group finder raid (Under premade groups), you are most definitely locked out this week. If you used looking for group > raid finder.

Is raid Finder easier than normal?

Difficulty. The boss fights in a Raid Finder raid are simplified: their difficulty relative to normal and flexible is scaled down with the intent that they be manageable by randomly assembled, less organized pickup groups.

What level gear does LFR drop?

Queuing for Sepulcher of the First Ones LFR requires ilevel 220, and the gear that drops ranges from ilevel 239 to 246.

Can a raid group queue for LFR?

To queue for the raid finder (LFR) difficulty of Legion raids once you are level 50 or over, talk to Archmage Timear in Legion Dalaran. He will have a dialogue option that will allow you to enter the raid finder version of any Legion raid.