Can you get custom fitted earbuds?

Everyone’s ears are different. UE FITS are the only earbuds that are custom fitted to your personal ear shape for all-day listening.

What are normal earphones called?

Earbuds. On the other hand, earbuds are directly worn in the ears. Some products have special design considerations to improve fit or grip on our ears. Before the whole wireless revolution took place, earbuds were called earphones.

Which earphone design is best for ears?

10 Recommended Headphones Your Ears Will Love

  • Sony MDR-7506 Headphones.
  • Slate Digital VSX Modeling Headphones with VSX Monitoring Plug-In.
  • Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Closed-Back Monitor Headphones.
  • Sennheiser HD 800 S Dynamic Open-Back Stereo Headphones.
  • Sennheiser RS 175 Digital Wireless Headphone System.

How do you color headphones?


  1. Tape off various pieces of the headphones. The pieces can vary in distance, from 1/2 inch to a few inches apart.
  2. Hang the headphones somewhere between two clothespins so that you can easily paint around the entire wire.
  3. Using various nail polish colors as you like, paint the exposed pieces of the headphones.

Are custom eartips worth it?

The custom eartip, to me, drastically changes the sound of your IEM depending on how bad of a seal you get with the universal version in the first place. For me, my customs not only retained the sound that I love from my current CIEMs but improved them because there are no deficiencies from choosing what eartip to use.

What is half ear design?

The half in-ear earbuds (also called semi-in ear earphones) are already made in such a way that they fit in your ear. Half in-ear earbuds lie in your ear close to your ear canal. They are therefore harder (almost always plastic) and they do not have an extra silicone attachment that fits in your ear.

Can Bass damage your ears?

Similarily, your own bass amp can put out some damaging volume as well. Earlier I mentioned many musicians develop tinnitus – a constant ringing in your ears. That permanent ringing in your ears can be as loud as 70 dB. That’s the volume of a telephone ringing constantly in your ears.