Can you get a death certificate online in South Africa?

We can obtain the certificate on your behalf, remotely This includes ID documents and any paperwork relating to the deceased and cause of death. specialises in South African document assistance. We can help you obtain a death certificate or copy thereof in the shortest time possible.

How do I get a copy of a death certificate in SA?

The Department of Home Affairs will issue a death certificate when they receive a notification of death (Form BI-1663) and the death report (Form BI-1680). If you require a replacement copy or a full death certificate, you can apply for these at your nearest Home Affairs office by completing form BI-132.

How do I find out if someone has died Online in South Africa?

Citizens can either use the department’s website or SMS to verify their alive or deceased status. Those who have access to the internet can visit the department’s website and click on Check your Status (at the top left corner of the Homepage) and Choose ID status verification (Alive/Deceased).

Where can I find death records in South Africa?

For anyone that wants a copy of a death certificate, be it an abridged version or unabridged version, you need to go in person to any Department of Home Affairs offce and apply.

How long does a post mortem take in South Africa?

within two working days
How Long Does It Take To Get Post Mortem Results In South Africa? A funeral is usually conducted within two working days after death.

What is the requirements to get death certificate?

Death Certificate:

  • Complete name of the deceased person.
  • Date of death.
  • Place of death.
  • Place of death.
  • Complete name and address of the requesting party.
  • Number of copies needed.
  • Purpose of the certification.

What is the difference between abridged and unabridged death certificate?

Issuing of death certificates An abridged death certificate will be issued free of charge on the same day of registration of death. An unabridged death certificate can be obtained by completing Form BI-132 and paying the required fee.

How do I find death records in South Africa?

How do I find out someone’s date of death?

Check online government databases. Do an online search for “death index” or “death records” with the name of the country the person was from. If you believe the person died more recently, or at least within the past 50 years, government databases may have a record of the death.