Can you freedom camp on Great Barrier Island?

There are no official freedom camping spots on Great Barrier, and you’ll have a hard time finding nice places to park up for free. Much of the island is not accessible by car or is private land and there aren’t many public car parks that would make good overnight spots.

Can you camp at the Great Barrier Reef?

You can camp on several islands in the Great Barrier Reef. Most are national parks and part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Find camping locations and individual campground details, including access and facilities.

Can you camp for free in national parks in Australia?

Freedom or free camping in Australia is possible, but it isn’t allowed just anywhere. There are specifically designated areas across the country that are either free or very inexpensive. If your main reason for free camping is saving money, be very careful!

Is there free camping in NZ?

Freedom camping is permitted on public conservation land (owned by the Department of Conservation or DOC) and council land (owned by local authorities). Freedom camping on DOC land is generally permitted but with some exceptions. You cannot camp at a DOC reserve unless a sign allows it.

Is it safe to camp in NZ?

In New Zealand under section 10 of the Freedom Camping Act 2011 you are allowed to camp in any local authority area unless camping is actively restricted or prohibited in that area. This means you can often Wild Camp on Department of Conservation (DOC) and local council land.

Can I camp on Great Keppel Island?

Great Keppel Island is the largest of all the Keppel Islands and while all of the other islands that offer camping are part of National Parks (so come with National Park camping rates), only private camping options are available on Great Keppel Island.

Are you allowed to camp on Great Keppel Island?

Camping permits are required and fees apply. Obtain your permit before setting up camp and attach it to your tent in a visible position. Our precious Great Barrier Reef World Heritage islands are among the most pest-free islands in the world. They need your help to stay this way.

How much does it cost to camp on Kangaroo Island?

Powered camp sites $40 per night (1-2 people). Fully self-contained cabins along with powered & un-powered sites ideally situated on 17 hectares or open bushland setting. The Park is situated close to many Kangaroo Island attractions such as Flinders Chase National Park, Kelly Hill Caves and Hanson Bay.