Can you find dragon scale armor in Skyrim?

Locations. Starting around level 50, Dragonscale Armor pieces can be found, very rarely, as random loot from chests and containers. Armor pieces can be found at lower levels if the Dragon Armor perk is acquired before reaching level 50.

How many dragon scales do you need for armor?

12 dragon scales
To craft Dragon armor (including a shield), you’ll need a total of 12 dragon scales and 6 dragon bones; this figure goes up if you decide you want to make weapons or scaled armor as well.

How do you get dragon scales in Skyrim?

Dragon scales are obtained from the skeletal remains of dragons. A dead dragon will normally yield one to six scales. There is a single dragon scale in Rorikstead. At the top of the hill, next to a pile of rubble, there is a shrine to Akatosh where the scale can be found.

Is glass armor better than dragon scale?

The Glass is better in every way because the Dragonscale only adds 50 more to ranged, 50 more to slash and 100 more to blunt. The Glass is 110 better! So with the bonuses from using Dragonscale vs Glass causes a loss of 60 defense to slash and ranged. And a loss of 10 to blunt.

Should I keep dragon bones and scales?

While you can make more money by saving up your dragon scales and making armor after you’ve mastered smithing, money is usually more of an object early on in the game, so there’s no real harm in selling them until your smithing skill is getting close to maxed out.

Should I keep Dragon Bones and scales?

Who sells dragon scales Skyrim?

The following is a list of all the general stores you can sell Dragon Bones and Scales at in Skyrim:

  • Falkreath: Gray Pine Goods.
  • Markarth: Arnleif and Sons Trading Company.
  • Riften: The Pawned Prawn.
  • Riverwood Trader: Riverwood.
  • Solitude: Bits and Pieces.
  • Whiterun: Belethor’s General Goods.
  • Windhelm: Sadri’s Used Wares.

Can I buy dragon scales?

Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales are not sold by any vendor. You can still get Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales as well as Dragon Souls from those Dragons. This’ll allow you to create all the dragon armour you want, as well as unlocking all the available shouts.