Can you feed deer sweet corn?

Many deer managers like to plant sweet corn as a food plot crop, so they can eat some also, but based on my experience, you have to plant a lot of sweet corn in order to get a good mature crop, because raccoons and other pests love sweet corn and will eat it before it fully matures.

Is it OK to feed deer corn?

Using only corn or other fermentable carbohydrates as a primary deer food can be dangerous. Eating a large amount of corn can affect the deer’ digestive process and cause a flush of lactic acid in their stomach. In most severe cases, this leads to the dehydration and death of the deer.

What can I mix with corn for deer feed?

Mix equal parts corn and whole oats. Mix an equal amount of your corn with your whole oats. Amounts will vary depending on how much deer food you want to make.

What is the best food to put in a deer feeder?

Once deer are consistently coming to the area daily looking for corn, set up a free-choice feeder filled with corn. Hand-toss corn on the ground around the feeder. When you observe deer consistently eating out of the free-choice feeder, stop hand-tossing corn.

What can I feed wild deer in my backyard?

A wide variety of fruits and vegetables – including apples, grapes, cherries, pears, carrots, and snap peas – are eaten in nature by deer. Therefore, it is safe to feed deer these fruits. Acorns are another safe food source.

Can deer smell feed corn?

Feed indian corn, the deer can smell it 10x further and will stay on the cornpile longer. If you like the Indian corn you should try to find some with apple scent added to it. Not only do they stay longer but they come from farther away.

What is whitetail deer favorite food?

They love pecans, hickory nuts and beechnuts acorns in addition to acorns. A couple of favorite fruits are apples, blueberries, blackberries and persimmons. Deer occasionally enter yards to get their mouths on flowers, vegetables and ornamental trees — quite often to the surprise of the homeowners.

What human food do deer like?

Food they absolutely love are: pecans, hickory nuts, beechnut acorns, as well as acorns. Fruits such as apples, blueberries, blackberries, and persimmons are also appealing to deer and satisfy their appetites.

When should you stop feeding deer corn?

Late Winter to Early Spring β€œAre You Feeding Your Deer To Death?” is one example. This is because deer stop eating grains in the fall when corn, wheat and others are harvested. Incorporating grains at the wrong time can lead to potentially fatal digestion issues. Of course, diets change with the region.