Can you equip Axe of Despair to any monster?

Union Monster: A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time, but can still be equipped with other Equip Spell Cards such as “Axe of Despair”, etc.

Is Axe of Despair an archfiend?

(This card is always treated as an “Archfiend” card.) The equipped monster gains 1000 ATK. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can Tribute 1 monster; place this card on the top of your Deck.

Can you activate Raigeki if your opponent has no monsters?

References: If there are no monsters on your opponent’s side of the field you may not activate “Raigeki”.

Is Raigeki a target?

This card can target any card on the field, regardless of what type of card it is (Spell/Trap/Monster) or whether it is face-down or face-up.

How much is AXE of despair worth?

axe of despair Value: $0.99 – $129.98 | MAVIN.

Can you chain Raigeki?

You cannot chain a second “Anti Raigeki”, since you would be chaining it to “Royal Decree”.

How does Anti Raigeki work?

A: The effect of “Anti Raigeki” destroys all monsters on your opponent’s field. In this scenario, there are no monsters in your opponent’s Monster Zone, so you cannot chain “Anti Raigeki” to their “Raigeki”.

Does obelisk negate effect?

Obelisk’s Normal Summon can’t be negated, which prevents Solemn Judgment from being used against it. Obelisk also can’t be targeted by Spells, Traps and card effects, which protects it from Offerings to the Doomed, Ring of Destruction, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter and more.

Why is Summoned Skull an archfiend?

Skull Archfiend (デーモンの, Dēmon no) is a series of monsters that support the original “Summoned Skull”. Each one is based on a different monster card type, and they are all treated as “Summoned Skull” while face-up on the field. All members are inherently part of the “Archfiend” archetype.

Does Raigeki break negate?

Raigeki Break destroys the monster but it doesn’t negate the effect.