Can you do telehealth for concussion?

Telemedicine and telehealth services : Connect patients and their healthcare providers through a phone or video chat. Allow patients to get checked for mild TBI or concussion symptoms and get recovery tips without needing to travel to a medical office or hospital.

How long should you stay away from screens after a concussion?

In the future, says Macnow, “we’ll be looking at particular types of screen time and if one is much worse than the others.” For now, he offers clear advice: “If you get a concussion, you should be avoiding screens for at least two days.”

Can you use technology with a concussion?

The report, revised for the first time in eight years, also advises against complete removal of electronic devices, such as television, computers and smartphones, following a concussion.

What happens if you watch screens with a concussion?

According to results reported by the researchers, the data showed that the group permitted screen time during the initial 48 hours after a concussion experienced a “significantly longer time to recover.” In fact, individuals using screens took a median of eight days to recover compared to 3 and a half days for …

Is a mild concussion a TBI?

Yes. A concussion is often referred to by doctors as a “mild TBI.” Both terms are used when a person experiences a change in normal brain function for no longer than a minutes following trauma.

Can you use electronics with a concussion?

No research proves any detrimental effects of using electronics while recovering from a sports-related concussion. Based on that, clinicians discourage the blanket prohibition of electronics, computers, television, video games, and texting.

Do screens make concussions worse?

A clinical trial of 125 young adults shows that those who limited screen time for 48 hours immediately after suffering a concussion had a significantly shorter duration of symptoms than those who were permitted screen time.

Why can’t you watch TV with a concussion?

Strenuous mental activities. Reading, computer work, playing video games, texting and watching TV can overstimulate your brain, says Dr. Figler. It’s OK to try these activities, but if symptoms occur, you should stop, rest and recover before returning to them.

Why can’t you look at a screen with a concussion?

Light sensitivity is a common symptom of concussions and post-concussion syndrome. Screens present a strain on the eyes that can be reduced with apps that automatically adjust the color of the display.