Can you do Dark Brotherhood as a mage?

Yes, as a pure mage build you can complete the Dark Brotherhood questline.

Is Dark Brotherhood worth it Oblivion?

The Dark Brotherhood quests are arguably the best quests in the game, which lead to a awesome plot twist and great ending. The benefits of completing the DB quests, like all the sidequests arcs, are lame, but it’s worth it just for some of the best story in Oblivion.

What happens if I join the Dark Brotherhood Oblivion?

The Dark Brotherhood is a Guild full of Assassins. For a chance to enter the guild, you’ll have to kill an innocent person, or kill a lot of thieves and marauders. After joining the Dark Brotherhood, you’ll find their secret hideout in Cheydinhal. Almost all of your quests will be found there.

Can you become the arch mage in Oblivion?

To get this achievement you need to complete the quests “Ambush”, & “Confront the King” which becomes available in that order after your advancement to Master-Wizard. Once you complete this quest Raminus Polus will advance you to Arch-Marge rank, completing the Mage Guild quest line.

Does Dark Brotherhood forever end?

The quest does never end.

How old is Nazir Skyrim?

Nazir al-Azzan

CHARACTER Nazir al-Azzan
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 4E 158 (aged 43)
Place of birth: Dragonstar, Hammerfell
Home: Eastmarch Hold, Skyrim

Who is the traitor in the Dark Brotherhood Oblivion?

There is a traitor among the Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood. To eradicate this traitor, Lucien Lachance has been ordered to purge the Cheydinhal sanctuary. Lucien’s Silencer, the Hero, was recruited after the spy was known to the Black Hand and is therefore above suspicion, so they are charged with the task.

Is the Arch Mage quarters safe oblivion?

Yes, it’s safe.

How many mage guilds are there in oblivion?

The Mages Guild is led by an Arch-Mage, and guided by the Council of Mages, made up of five archmagisters (including the Arch-Mage)….Guild Halls[edit]

City Specialization
Anvil Mages Guild Restoration
Bravil Mages Guild Illusion
Bruma Mages Guild No specialty
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Alteration