Can you cut inkberry to the ground?
Can you cut inkberry to the ground?
The branch can be cut to the ground or you can make the cut just above new leaves near the exterior of the shrub. Prune branches in the interior of the inkberry shrub to thin it out. View the shrub 5 to 10 feet back to see where thinning is needed.
Can you keep inkberry small?
Cutting an inkberry to the ground isn’t your only alternative for renovation when the plant looks sparse and unkempt. Limbing the plant up, or removing its lower branches back to a few main stems, can transform it into an attractive small tree that you can plant or mulch under for a well-manicured look.
How do you care for an inkberry holly?
Taking care of inkberries is relatively simple and well within the talents of novice gardeners. Choose a planting spot with acidic soil and full sunlight. Inkberry plants love moist soil with good drainage. Keep the soil moist at all times for the best results.
Why is my inkberry dropping leaves?
Root Rots. Root rots can also affect the inkberry holly, especially Phytophthora and Thielaviopsis black root rot. They both cause yellowing of the leaves, early leaf drop, slow growth and, eventually, branch dieback, and occur most often with flooding and extreme heat.
Is inkberry holly deer resistant?
They are an very resistant to deer-browsing and do not get “leggy” like the standard variety of Ilex glabra. They can handle sun and shade conditions and are fairly drought-tolerant once established.
How big do inkberry get?
5 to 10 feet tall
Ilex glabra, commonly called inkberry or gallberry, is a slow-growing, upright-rounded, stoloniferous, broadleaf evergreen shrub in the holly family. It typically matures to 5 to 10 feet tall, and can spread by root suckers to form colonies.
Does inkberry make a good hedge?
When properly pruned, inkberry can make a nice foundation plant or short hedge, but is best used in native screens and rain gardens, where it can be left to grow naturally with little intervention needed from the gardener.
When should I prune my inkberry?
The best time to ‘rejuvenate prune’ your Inkberry is in spring when the plant’s growth process is revving up. Cut the shrub back by 1/2, loosen the soil around the base of the plant and fertilize with Holly-toneĀ® organic, slow-release fertilizer.
How tall do inkberry get?
Ilex glabra, commonly called inkberry or gallberry, is a slow-growing, upright-rounded, stoloniferous, broadleaf evergreen shrub in the holly family. It typically matures to 5 to 10 feet tall, and can spread by root suckers to form colonies.
Why is my inkberry dying?
Anthracnose is a problematic fungal disease that attacks inkberry when conditions are overly wet. Leaves infected with this disease will develop tarlike, black spots and newly emerged leaves distort and curl. Cankers appear on twigs and branches and will cause die-back and girdling.
How big do inkberry bushes get?
How do you care for inkberry holly?
Inkberry holly thrives in a wet, cool climate. This distinguishes it from other hollies, which often prefer drier locations. Fertilize in spring with a fertilizer such as Holly-Tone. If your soil is alkaline, consider enriching it with peat moss when planting your inkberry. Inkberry self-propagates by spreading root suckers.
How do you prune inkberry?
Inkberry does not grow as densely as other hollies or boxwoods. It tends to become bare at the base as it matures. If desired, select a few stems to prune out in early spring (before new growth begins) to stimulate new growth near the base (a process called thinning ).
Is inkberry holly slow growing?
David has been interviewed by numerous newspapers and national U.S. magazines, such as Woman’s World and American Way. Inkberry holly is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen shrub with a rounded-to-upright growth habit.
What is the scientific name for inkberry holly?
According to plant taxonomy, this kind of holly is designated Ilex glabra ‘Densa.’ The third name in that string is the cultivar name. Plant Type: Inkberry holly is classified as a broadleaf, evergreen shrub.