Can you conceal carry S&W 686?

S&W 686 Plus retails for $849, offers the versatility of being able to fire two different calibers and will put a smile on your face because shooting it is easy and effective and fun, partly due to its greater weight. Moreover, these factors make it a viable concealed carry gun — no buts about it.

What is the difference between a Smith and Wesson 686 and a 686 plus?

Smith & Wesson 686 and 686 Plus: differences The main difference between the 686 and 686 Plus models is the cylinder capacity, since the 686 Plus is a seven-shot – the cylinder is cut to accept moon clips – and the 686 a more traditional six-shot.

Is the S&W 686 a good revolver?

The Smith & Wesson 686 is a fantastic revolver with utter reliability, comfortable ergonomics, and beautiful aesthetics. Its accuracy and customization are par for the course. But for a personal protection gun it’s perfect and comes in different barrel lengths and even a Plus model with 7 rounds of . 38 Special or .

Is S&W 686 round or square?

Smith & Wesson Model 686
Cartridge .357 Magnum .38 Special
Caliber .38/.357
Action Double action and single action
Feed system 6-round (686) or 7-round (686 Plus) cylinder

What is a S&W 686 plus?

The Model 686 Plus is an L-Frame, Smith & Wesson® Double-Action Revolver chambered in . 357 magnum. The L-Frame Smith & Wesson is a “medium/heavy” frame specifically designed to hold up the to prolonged use with full-power .

What frame is a S&W 686?

The Model 686 is based on S&W’s L (medium) revolver frame. During the 1980s, Smith & Wesson developed its L-Frame line of . 357 Magnums: the Model 581, Model 586, Model 681 and Model 686. The Models 581 and 681 have fixed sights, whereas the 586 and 686 use adjustable sights.

What is the difference between J frame and K Frame revolvers?

J-Frame Revolvers S&W had two frame sizes in 1894 when it designed the side swing or swing-out-cylinders line of revolvers. The smaller-sized frame was called the “I-frame,” and the larger-sized frame was known as the “K-frame.” These designations were an internal way for employees to identify the frame sizes.