Can you buy yacon in the US?

Unfortunately, only one or two varieties of yacon are available in the United States, and they are white-flesh varieties.

What are the health benefits of yacon root?


  • ENCOURAGES A THRIVING MICROBIOME. All the good bacteria in your intestines LOVE the prebiotic elements of FOS.

Can yacon root be eaten raw?

Yacon root looks like a sweet potato, but it has a completely different taste, texture, and nutrient profile. This tuber has a creamy white-yellow color and a uniquely refreshing taste that’s similar to apple, watermelon, and celery combined. Unlike a sweet potato, yacon is often eaten raw and contains no starch.

Are jicama and yacon the same?

Yacon is much easier to find now. Its crisp, juicy roots are like jicama but more tender, sort of like watermelon but a bit firmer. And its sweetness is from a sugar we don’t digest, so the roots are low in calories.

Is yacon the same as yuca?

At first sight, its shell (rough and somewhat brown) can lead to confusion as it has the appearance of a yuca, but it actually has a sweeter and crunchier texture. According to the Ministry of Agriculture (Minagri) its interior can be white, yellow, purple, orange and, in some crops, it surprises with pink spots.

Is yacon good for diabetes?

Traditionally, yacon tubers have been recommended to people suffering from diabetes and various digestive diseases. Recently, yacon syrup, which is extracted and concentrated from the yacon tubers, has been shown to improve insulin resistance and reduce body weight in obese individuals.

Can you cook yacon?

It has a delicious juicy, crunchy texture but is not over-sweet when cooked. Yacon can also be boiled, cubed and placed in stews and casseroles, grated in a slaw salad, cubed and added to all manner of salads. It can also be juiced or put in a smoothie. Either treat it like a juicy, crunchy potato or a mild apple.

How healthy is yacon?

Fructooligosaccharides effectively function as soluble, fermentable fibers, which have various other benefits. Yacon syrup is also high in antioxidants and potassium ( 16 ). Yacon syrup is effective against constipation and may lower blood sugar levels. It’s also high in antioxidants and potassium.

Is yacon the same as Yucca?

Similar to a yucca, the root’s dimensions depend on the cultivation and oil conditions where it grows. Up to 80% of the plant is consumed, as the branches, roots and flowers are all edible. Yacón is a perfect ingredient for sauces, herbal teas, syrups, jams and desserts.

Is jicama a yacon?

Yacón, sometimes known as strawberry jicama, has a flavor that can be described in one word: delicious. It is an open-pollinated perennial (often grown as an annual) from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and is related to dahlias and sunflowers.

How to grow yacon?

Varieties. Yacon tubers (Smallanthus sonchifolius) can be red,orange,yellow,pink and purple but most of the more colourful ones are found only in South America,where yacon originates.

  • Growing.
  • Harvesting.
  • Eating.
  • Yacon and green bean salad.
  • Yacon and blue cheese salad.
  • Can Yacon syrup really help you lose weight?

    Since Yacon Syrup has no impact on insulin levels, this can only be beneficial if you are seeking to lose weight. Another reason why Yacon Syrup is thought to help weight loss is because it helps curb appetite as it helps you to feel full for a longer period of time.

    What are the benefits of yacon?

    Vitamin C

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • How to cook with Yacon?

    Place sliced yacon in a medium salad bowl.

  • Immediately drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil and toss together to prevent from browning.
  • Add kale,oranges,mint,fennel fronds,pumpkin seeds,garlic,cumin,black pepper and sea salt (optional). Toss together well.
  • Chill until serving time.