Can you buy Garrison resources?

You can buy (and sell) garrison resources from the auction house.

Can I trade Garrison resources to Alts?

This item gives you 1000 Garrison Resources and it isn’t soulbound. You can get it in your main with a Garrison and then send it to your alt.

What should I spend my garrison resources on?

Here are five suggestions on gainful ways that you can spend your excess Garrison Resources put together especially for you.

  • Additional Resources. No we are not talking about trading Garrison Resources for more Garrison Resources.
  • War Mill Work Orders.
  • Bonus Rolls.
  • Rush Orders.
  • Loot Bags.

How do you get garrison Hearthstone?

To create a new Garrison Hearthstone, travel to your Garrison in Draenor. Talk to Provisioner Rashma (Horde) or Deedree (Alliance). If they do not offer you a new Hearthstone, use the search feature in your inventory and bank to look for the Garrison Hearthstone. In most cases, it still exists.

Where do I spend apexis crystals?

Apexis Crystals are a new currency added in Warlords of Draenor. They are used for the legendary quest line, can be used for Seal of Tempered Fate, and are used to purchase armor, mounts, pets, transmog gear, and other items.

How do I increase my garrison cache?

Update for 6.2: Now players can increase their Garrison’s Cache cap from 500 to 1,000 GR’s by buying a Trade Agreement: Arakkoa Outcasts from Vindicator Krethos (A) / Shadow Hunter Denjai (H) – they are inside the faction’s main bunker in the newly-opened Tanaan Jungle (Lion’s Watch for Alliance, Vol’mar Hold for Horde …

How do you get a garrison in Shadowlands?

It doesn’t actually take that long, there’s just no “stopping” point until you finish the intro questline. After that, you should be sent to Frostfire Ridge, where you do a few small quests to unlock your Garrison. You’ll be able to knock out level 2 right away.