Can you buy a turtle in NSW?

Some native snakes, lizards, geckos, dragons and turtles can be kept as pets as long as you have a licence.

Can you buy pet turtles in Australia?

In Australia, you are not allowed by law to catch any animal from the wild and make it a pet. To have a pet turtle you have to go to a pet shop that specialises in pets such as these. They will tell you if you need a licence to keep the kind of turtle you choose, and if so, they will tell you how to get one.

Can you keep Eastern Long Neck Turtles?

If basic guidelines are followed, then your turtle should thrive in captivity and may even breed for you. Turtles are renowned for their longevity and provided your pet remains healthy, may live for thirty to seventy-five years in your care.

What pet turtles are legal in Australia?

There are 4x main species of Australian turtle you can keep under a Native Animal Keeping Licence….What Turtle Species Can Be Kept As Pets?

  • Kreft’s Turtle (Emydura kreftii)
  • Murray River Turtle (Emydura macquarii)
  • Saw-shelled Turtle (Elesya latisternum)
  • Long-necked Turtle (Chelodonia longicollis)

Can you keep a turtle as a pet in NSW?

You can keep some native dragons, geckos, lizards, snakes and turtles as pets. However, under NSW law, you may only own native reptiles bred in captivity which have been bought from a licenced breeder or dealer.

Do you need a license to own a tortoise in Australia?

It’s illegal to take a reptile from the wild or release an unwanted one back into the wild. If you want to purchase a reptile, it needs to be bought from a licensed dealer or broker. Licensing helps protect our species and keeps owners and their animals safe.

Can I own a tortoise in Australia NSW?

Can you have a long neck turtle as a pet?

Turtles that are most commonly kept as pets in Australia are the Eastern Long neck (chelodina longicollis) and the Murray short neck turtle (Emydura macquarii). It is a requirement for you to have a licence to keep either of these species of turtles as a pet here in NSW.

Do long neck turtles need a heater?

Turtles will only eat in the water. Your turtle needs the water temperature to be kept at 23-26 degrees Celsius. If your turtle is not eating, the water temperature needs to be raised using an aquarium heater.

Is a turtle a Class 1 animal?

Class 1 native animal keepers licence What you can keep: Over 300 types of native birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals listed as class 1 on the Current species list (PDF 419KB).