Can we use like and/or together in SQL?

You can use LIKE with OR operator which works same as IN operator.

Which is faster like or in SQL?

1 Answer. Using ‘=’ operator is faster than the LIKE operator in comparing strings because ‘=’ operator compares the entire string but the LIKE keyword compares by each character of the string. We can use LIKE to check a particular pattern like column values starting with ‘abc’ in this case.

What is the opposite of like in MySQL?

The NOT LIKE operator in SQL is used on a column which is of type varchar . Usually, it is used with % which is used to represent any string value, including the null character \0 .

How do I optimize multiple joins query?


  1. Always reduce the data before any joins as much possible.
  2. When joining, make sure smaller tables are on the left side of join syntax, which makes this data set to be in memory / broadcasted to all the vertica nodes and makes join faster.
  3. Join on INT columns, preferred over any other types, it makes it faster.

How do you optimize a query in SQL Server?

It’s vital you optimize your queries for minimum impact on database performance.

  1. Define business requirements first.
  2. SELECT fields instead of using SELECT *
  4. Create joins with INNER JOIN (not WHERE)
  5. Use WHERE instead of HAVING to define filters.
  6. Use wildcards at the end of a phrase only.

How do you write a SQL query that does not like?

SQL not like statement syntax will be like below. SELECT column FROM table_name WHERE column NOT LIKE pattern; UPDATE table_name SET column=value WHERE column NOT LIKE pattern; DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column NOT LIKE pattern; As an example, let’s say we want the list of customer names that don’t start with ‘A’.

How do you use like wildcard?

The escape character instructs the LIKE operator to treat the wildcard characters as the regular characters. The escape character has no default value and must be evaluated to only one character. The LIKE operator returns TRUE if the column or expression matches the specified pattern.