Can we assign a list to another list in C#?

1. Using List Constructor. To clone a list, we can use a copy constructor, which is a special constructor to initialize a new instance of the List class with a copy of the existing list. Assuming there are no mutable objects in the list, the copy constructor performs a shallow copy.

How can I compare two lists that are equal to in C#?

  1. Equals(Object) Method which is inherited from the Object class is used to check if a specified List object is equal to another List object or not.
  2. Syntax:
  3. Return Value: This method return true if the specified object is equal to the current object otherwise it returns false.
  4. Example 1:
  5. Example 2:

How do you check if two lists are equal in Linq?

If the count of list1 elements in list2 equals the count of list2 elements in list1, then the lists both contain the same number of elements, are both subsets of each other – in other words, they both contain the same elements.

Does ToList make a copy?

ToList() makes a shallow copy. The references are copied, but the new references still point to the same instances as the original references point to.

What is AddRange C#?

AddRange method in lists adds an entire collection of elements. Let us see an example − Firstly, set a list in C# and add elements − List list = new List(); list.Add(100); list.Add(200); list.Add(300); list.Add(400);

How do you check if all items in a list are equal C#?

Check if all items are same in a List in C#

  1. Using Enumerable. Distinct Method. A simple solution to check if all list items have the same value is to get the distinct elements count in the list using LINQ’s Enumerable.Distinct method.
  2. Using Enumerable. Any Method.
  3. Using List. TrueForAll Method.

Can we compare two objects in C#?

In C# objects can be compared with the == operator, with the Equals(Object) member, with the Object. Equals(Object, Object) method or using custom comparators that implement one of or more of the IEquatable , IComparable , IStructuralEquatable or IStructuralComparable interfaces. There’s also a Object.

What does ToList () do?

The ToList(IEnumerable) method forces immediate query evaluation and returns a List that contains the query results. You can append this method to your query in order to obtain a cached copy of the query results.

What is the difference between appending a list and extending a list?

The append() function can add a single element to the end of a list. The extend() function can add multiple elements from a list supplied to it as argument. After append(), the length of the list will increase by 1 element only.

What operator is used to replicate a list?

The * operator replicates the elements in the list.