Can testicular torsion have long term effects?
Can testicular torsion have long term effects?
One study found that 75% of men diagnosed with testicular torsion and who had surgery 12 hours after symptoms started required removal of the testicle. Other long-term side effects of torsion include pain, infertility, and low testosterone.
Can you get torsion after orchiopexy?
Recurrent testicular torsion after previous orchiopexy is rare and needs high index of suspension to avoid misdiagnosis and delayed management. This case showed that this diagnosis can occur even when the testis is still fixed to the scrotal wall.
What are the side effects of testicular torsion surgery?
The spermatic cord has a collection of blood vessels in the scrotum that lead to the testicles. Testicular torsion develops when the cord twists….Risks of this surgery are:
- Bleeding.
- Infection.
- Pain.
- Wasting away of the testicle despite the return of blood flow.
- Infertility.
What is the most serious complication of testicular torsion?
Testicular torsion can cause the following complications: Damage to or death of the testicle. When testicular torsion is not treated for several hours, blocked blood flow can cause permanent damage to the testicle. If the testicle is badly damaged, it has to be surgically removed.
What happens if you get testicular torsion twice?
Testicular torsion occurs if the testicle rotates on the cord that runs upward from the testicle into the abdomen. The rotation twists the spermatic cord and reduces blood flow. If the testicle rotates several times, it can cause a blockage in the blood flow, quickly leading to more damage.
Can testicular torsion surgery fail?
In conclusion, recurrent testicular torsion after previous surgical treatment failure is rather uncommon and clinical alertness is mandatory.
Can torsion reoccur?
Sometimes, the spermatic cord can become twisted and then untwist itself without treatment. This is called torsion and detorsion, and it can make testicular torsion more likely to happen again in the future.
How long is recovery from testicular torsion surgery?
After surgery for testicular torsion, there will be bruising and swelling for about a week or so. The good news is dissolvable stitches are usually used, so there is no need for removal. Your child or teen will be able to go back to normal activities, including attending school, in about 1-2 weeks.
Does testicular torsion cause infertility?
TT has been reported to affect male fertility in adulthood, and may be an important cause of secondary male infertility. Laboratory analysis of semen samples has revealed low sperm count and poor sperm vitality in >50% of patients with TT.