Can speakers be placed behind screen?

An acoustically transparent screen gives you the ability to place speakers behind a projector screen. An acoustically transparent screen is usually made of a woven material that blocks light from passing through but allows sound to pass through without being distorted.

Can I put center speaker behind projector screen?

You can purchase acoustically transparent screen materials which are designed for mounting speakers behind. They have thousands of tiny perforations or a special material weave which allows the sound to pass through. A normal, solid screen, however, would not sound good.

Which direction should rear speakers face?

The recommendation is for the rear surround speakers to be around 135° to 150° from the listening position and roughly in line with the front left and right pair.

How much room should be behind speakers?

Decide roughly where you will be positioned when listening, then place your speakers so that they form an equilateral triangle with your listening position. Speaker separation. Try to get about 4 feet of separation for bookshelf speakers or 8 feet for floorstanding speakers.

How can I hide my rear speakers?

Hide your speakers in your wall behind tapestries or acoustic art to hide them entirely. If you have an alcove or recessed shelf in your wall, place your speakers there. Then, push the speakers back past the wall. Hang a flag, textile, or thin tapestry over them.

What do you put behind a projection screen?

Blackout Fabrics A popular choice for budget projection screen builders. This fabric is very smooth and flexible, will cover a surprisingly large surface area, and is very inexpensive. Because this material is specifically designed to block out light, it is a great backdrop for image projection.

How far behind should rear speakers be?

Try to keep the speakers—especially rear vented models—at least two feet from the surface behind it, unless you use a vent plug. For best results when mounting surround speakers on a rear wall, position them so that they flank the main listening area and point toward the front of the room.

How high should your rear speakers be?

You WANT the sound to bounce off of walls and such before it hits your ears. The surround speakers should be 2-3 feet above the listener, and 4-5 feet above wouldn’t be that bad either (as long as your ceiling isn’t 30 feet tall (you want the sound to bounce off of it and back down to the listener).

Should speakers be in front or behind you?

Smaller speakers should sit on stands or shelves at approximately head and ear height. Many stands also help absorb reverberations and prevent the inclusion of noise. Don’t put anything in front of the speakers. Any objects in front of the speakers will reflect sound, causing distortion or blurring.

How do you mount rear surround speakers?

Place the rear surround speakers at 135-150 degrees off-axis, relative to the primary seating position. As with the side surround speakers, position the rear surround tweeters about 2 feet above head level when seated.

How do you hide rear speaker wire in a wall?

Best Ways to Hide Speaker Wire and Audio Cables

  1. Use existing room décor.
  2. Use cable clips with integrated nails to affix speaker cables to the baseboards in the room.
  3. Take advantage of light strips.
  4. Route the cables under throw rugs or even the carpet in the room.
  5. Stick speaker wire to the wall.

Where should I position my speakers for desktop listening?

There are a number of points to consider for desktop, or “nearfield,” listening, which is very different from “room” listening. Position your speakers at least a foot or two from a wall: If you have a wall behind your desk, don’t put the speakers too close to the wall; if necessary, pull your desk out a foot or two.

How do I choose the right monitor for my speakers?

(Though powered monitors, such as Audioengine’s A5+ (, Amazon UK) are also a good option.) In this case, your speakers will be fairly large, and it’s best to raise them on stands rather than angle them upward.

Should speakers be lined up with monitor or wall?

Try to make sure the speakers are both the same distance from the wall, and try to avoid putting a speaker in the corner of a room, if possible. Don’t put them too close to you either; I find that setting my speakers at the back of my desk is fine. It’s generally not a good idea to have speakers lined up with your monitor.

How far from the wall should speakers be placed?

Position your speakers at least a foot or two from a wall: If you have a wall behind your desk, don’t put the speakers too close to the wall; if necessary, pull your desk out a foot or two. Sound doesn’t only come out of the front of your speakers, and if speakers are too close to a wall, low frequencies can boom.