Can solemn warning be negated?

With Solemn Warning in your Deck you can still negate these cards, while keeping your Solemn Judgment free for dangerous Trap Cards like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute or your opponent’s Solemn Warning.

Is solemn warning a hand trap?

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: Both “Solemn Warning” and “Solemn Judgment” are Counter Trap Cards so they can be activated in the Damage Step.

Is solemn warning good?

Solemn Warning is usually strictly better than Strike because it stops so much more. Flip Summons, Normal Summons, and any effect that Special Summons are all capable of being stopped by Solemn Warning.

Can you Solemn Judgment Jinzo?

When “Jinzo” is Tribute Summoned, cards like “Trap Hole” and “Torrential Tribute” cannot be activated because “Jinzo’s” Continuous Effect is applied when it is Summoned, but you can negate its Summon with “Solemn Judgment”, “Horn of Heaven”, etc.

Can solemn strike Miss timing?

As the last effect in the chain is “Return of the Monarchs”, “Solemn Strike” misses the timing as the last effect in the chain is not a Monster Effect, but a Spell Effect.

Can solemn Judgement negate exodia?

A: The effect of The Legendary Exodia Incarnate that makes it unaffected by other cards’ effects is a Continuous Effect that applies only while it is face-up in the Monster Zone. Thus, its Special Summon can be negated by Solemn Judgment.

Is solemn a Judgement at 3?

It’s fine at 3, same for super poly. They give control decks a way to fight guardragon cancer. Super poly is an ok punisher, Solemn isn’t necessarily one. You don’t punish combo decks anymore than other control decks with a generic negate.

Can you chain skill drain to Jinzo?

Skill Drain: “Jinzo” cannot negate Trap Cards while “Skill Drain” is already active, because “Skill Drain” is negating “Jinzo”‘s effect. But if “Jinzo” is already on the field, you cannot activate “Skill Drain” because “Jinzo”‘s effect prevents you from doing so.