Can redwoods grow in Southern California?

No. The only place in the world that coast redwood trees grow naturally is along the coast of California and southern Oregon.

Can redwoods grow in Los Angeles?

In Los Angeles, redwoods can be found at Griffith Park’s Cedar Grove and the Ferndell Trail.

How long does it take for a California redwood to grow?

Young redwoods can grow to 100 or 150′ in height in 50 years. In open stands they can grow more than an inch in diameter per year.

Can you grow a giant sequoia in Southern California?

The answer is: yes you can, provided you’re living in a temperate climate zone. More about the world regions where giant sequoias have been planted successfully, can be found here. But you have to keep in mind that giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) are not fit for small city gardens.

How far south do redwoods grow in California?

Coast redwoods range from southern Oregon to central California, extending not more than fifty miles inland- only as far as the coastal climate has its influence.

How much water does a redwood tree need?

For large established trees, water every 3-4 weeks in summer – more frequently during record high temperatures. Your redwood will tell you whether or not you’re watering enough – if it’s healthy and thriving, you’re doing a great job. Applying mulch out to the drip line will help retain moisture.

Do redwood trees need to be watered?

Can redwoods grow in San Diego?

As Kam says – No redwoods anywhere near San Diego. The closest are at Sequoia Nat’l park east of Fresno. (Sequoias are a type of redwood but not exactly the same as what you are thinking about – which are the Coast Redwoods.)

Do redwood trees require a lot of water?

A single redwood can transpire as much as 500 gallons a day. That’s as much water as you might use in an hour long shower! The forest is full of clones!

How much water does a redwood tree need per day?

If you convert that 3.5 inches of water, corrected for the efficiency of the irrigation system and for the spacing of your trees, that means each tree would use about 10 gallons of water per day. Yes, per day. Redwoods are nearly pestfree, but hot dry climates do stress them.

How much water do redwood trees need?