Can NPS practice independently in Alaska?

Alaska’s Nurse Practitioner Supervision Laws Currently, nurse practitioners working in Alaska enjoy the freedom to practice independently, free of physician supervision. Physician involvement is not necessary for diagnosing, treating, or prescribing for patients in any way.

How many CEUS are required for nurses in Alaska?

30 contact hours
Continuing Education Requirement The Alaska Board of Nursing accepts NetCE courses. RNs are required two of the following every two years: 30 contact hours, 320 hours of documented nursing employment, and/or 60 hours in professional activities or volunteer work.

How do I renew my nursing license in Alaska?

The MY LICENSE online renewal application is available at In most cases, your license will be renewed immediately. If you choose to renew by paper application, make sure that your application is complete, including signature, date, and all boxes appropriately checked.

How do I contact Alaska Board of Nursing?

Important Names, Links, and Statistics Relevant to ABN

  2. Address: 550 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 1500 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3567.
  3. Phone Number: 907.269.8161.
  4. Fax: 907.269.8196.
  5. Board Staff: 5.
  6. Members:
  7. Website:

Is Alaska a full practice state for nurse practitioners?

Alaska nurse practitioners are recognized as primary care providers – and very important ones at that. They can make medical diagnoses and prescribe medications and other therapeutics. Alaska is classified as a full practice state by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

How much do NPS make in Alaska?

Nurse practitioners in Anchorage earn an average of $126,610 per year (or $60.87 per hour)….Nurse practitioner salary range in Anchorage, AK.

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
90th Percentile $164,840 $79
75th Percentile $164,320 $79
Median $129,340 $62
25th Percentile $99,540 $47

When can I renew my Alaska RN license?

Applicant Information You must renew your license on or before the expiration date to continue practice in Alaska. There is no grace period to practice on a lapsed license. Renewal reminders will be mailed at least 60 days before the expiration date to the last address you provided to the board.

Is Alaska a compact state for nursing?

Alaska is not a Nursing Licensure Compact state.

Are nurses needed in Alaska?

A booming market. One measure of the present shortage is how many nursing jobs are available statewide. A quick job search for nursing jobs at Providence will likely turn up over 100 openings, said Florian Borowski, the hospital’s chief human resources officer.

How many nurse practitioners are in Alaska?

Employment and Job Openings (click here for the 10-year forecast)

Employment Average annual openings
2018 estimate Total
Alaska 348 22
United States 189,100 16,900

How much does a DNP make in Alaska?

DNP Salary by State

State Hourly Annual
Alaska $69.54 $144,640
Arizona $57.06 $118,680
Arkansas $54.99 $114,370
California $75.84 $157,750

How much nurses make in Alaska?

$97,230 per year
Registered nurses in Alaska earn an average of $97,230 per year (or $46.74 per hour). Alaska registered nurses earn 17% higher than the national average salary for RNs, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour).