Can Mercury be Theia?

It just seems to me that it is possible, however remotely, that Mercury might be the the object, that is referred to as Theia. Especially after reading of the discoveries that were made by the instruments on the Messenger probe. It is claimed that the mantle and crust of Mercury are missing, leaving the exposed core.

What is Mercury’s tilt?

QUICK FACTS (Data is from NASA Goddard)

Average distance from Sun 36,000,000 miles
Length of Day 175.94 Earth days
Sidereal Revolution 88.0 Earth days
Diameter at Equator 3,025 miles (2nd smallest planet)
Tilt of axis Essentially none – 0.01 degrees

Is Mercury’s orbit circular or elliptical?

elliptical orbit
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun , the innermost of all worlds in the solar system. Mercury revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit at a mean distance of 58 million km; the orbital period is 88 Earth days or 0.24 Earth years.

Does planet Mercury exist?

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. It’s a little bigger than Earth’s Moon. It is the closest planet to the Sun, but it’s actually not the hottest.

Is Theia still alive?

A new study led by Qian Yuan, a geodynamics researcher at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, suggests that the remnants of Theia is still inside Earth, probably located in two continent-size layers of rock beneath West Africa and the Pacific Ocean. Seismologists have been studying these two rock layers for decades.

What planet rotates backwards compared to Earth?

And by the way, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east, because Venus spins backward compared to Earth.

Why is Mercury’s orbit strange?

And Mercury’s orbit – more elliptical or “oval-shaped” than any other planet – allows it to experience a wider range of solar magnetic field conditions than any other planet. As a result, Mercury provides a unique opportunity to study how the Sun’s influence on a planet varies with distance.

How hot is the Sun?

5,778 KSun / Surface temperature