Can I use a drum mic for vocals?

Modern ribbon mics (deliver a warm and vintage sound) All of these can potentially be used for vocals, acoustic guitar, drum overheads, guitar amps and wind instruments, depending on the sound you want to achieve.

What microphones do drummers use?

Our Pick of the 5 Best Vocal Mics for Drummers

  1. Audio-Technica PRO 8Hex. Head Worn Singing Mic. View Price.
  2. Shure BETA 56A. Standard Mic For Instruments And Voices. View Price.
  3. AKG Pro Audio C520. Great Condenser Headset Mic. View Price.
  4. Heil Sound PR 30B. High Quality Standard Mic.
  5. Sennheiser ME 3 II. Famous Quality Headset Mic.

Do I need to mic a drum kit?

Miking up a drum kit on stage isn’t always necessary or possible in small venues. However, if the size of the room and the PA system can handle it, even a single mic on the kick drum can really contribute to the live mix.

Can you use an instrument mic for vocals?

To summarize, a microphone that is designated for instruments can certainly be used for vocals, and vice versa. So, it is the microphone’s response to audio frequencies and the microphone mounting method that primarily determines if the microphone is better suited for instruments or for vocals.

What is a vocal mic?

Vocal microphones and the accompanying users are the most important pieces of a church service. A “vocalist” leads the congregation in worship. The pastor leads the congregation in presenting the Word. For these reasons, vocal microphone choice and EQ sculpting are of utmost importance.

Are condenser mics good for singing?

Condenser microphones are ideal for recording sung or spoken vocals. This is thanks to the flexible front plate, which leads to accurate sound recording. Additionally, they are well-suited to recording high frequencies.

Can I use any mic for drums?

For snare drums, we recommend the industry standard Shure SM57, for rack toms we recommend the Shure PGA 98D microphones as they can easily clip on to your drum and for floor toms we thoroughly recommend the Shure PGA56 dynamic microphone which can also be used for snare drums.

How do you mic a drummer?

Put the mic between 1″–3″ off the outer head. Placing a boundary mic on a pillow inside the kick is the simplest option if you have a hole in the resonant head. It keeps the bleed from other drums and cymbals to a minimum and will give you lots of impact.