Can I use a drop spreader for topsoil?
Can I use a drop spreader for topsoil?
The drop spreader is the best one to use because it drops the compost directly onto the grass rather than spreading it far and wide. You’ll get a consistent result with a drop spreader. You can also use a broadcast spreader that has the technology to spread topdressing evenly on lawns.
Can you spread dirt with a broadcast spreader?
A: Soil is too coarse and clumpy to go through broadcast spreaders very well. Dry and really fine potting medium might work, but anything damp and heavier is best dumped on the ground in small piles and then raked out.
How do you spread topsoil on grass?
Spread grass seed if overseeding. Working in small areas a few square feet at a time, shovel out a small amount of your material. Using your shovel, “fling” the materials with a smooth, sweeping motion similar to hitting a hockey puck, spreading the topdressing over the lawn to a depth of ⅛ to ½ inch.
How do I spread topsoil to my lawn?
You can spread topsoil evenly and accurately over the lawn by using a drop-spreader, or you can spread topsoil simply by flinging it with a shovel. The topsoil must be dry enough to spread in small chunks or it will not spread uniformly.
Which is better drop spreader or broadcast spreader?
A broadcast spreader will take extra care to make sure different parts of the lawn receive an even coverage. A drop spreader, as previously mentioned, is more precise because it doesn’t broadcast the granular product or seed and doesn’t change the amount spread based on a changing walking pace.
What’s the easiest way to spread topsoil?
First, the topsoil should be spread in a layer between 6-8 inches deep. Next, spread the topsoil in either 1 or 2 inch layers using a dirt spreader or shovel. Finally, using an aerator or hoe, mix the first layer of topsoil into the first 3 or 4 inches of the soil for your project.
How thick should I spread topsoil?
In most cases, a lawn can withstand the addition of a soil layer that is only 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. You can spread topsoil evenly and accurately over the lawn by using a drop-spreader, or you can spread topsoil simply by flinging it with a shovel.